Biological male swimmer Lia Thomas loses bid for 'Woman of the Year' to female fencer
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"Take a Walk on the Wild Side" Lou Reed
"...and the colored girls sing...."
how about Lola...L , O, L, A, Lola
Yeah, that'd be the one.
LOL Ah ha....I always mistitle that song for some reason. thanx for the correction
Speaking of faux 'art' and Studio seems there are tunnels under said studio and it's neighbors, as well as a 'hidden studio' between. Making it a short walk to and from the 'orgy chamber' of Studio 54.
Warhol became liability-turned-asset when his mk'd assassin did her job, creating an inflated market for his cartoonish Lichtenstein ripoffs that someone else painted over projected pictures. 'Art'
Is Hunter Biden 'Andy Warhol's Frankenstein'?
Soho wants to know.
We're watchng a bad movie.
Frankenstein Meets the Creature From the Blackhat Lagoon, starring Lia Thomas.
Yep I heard it