Chemotherapy adds only 2% to the 5-year survival rate of cancer patients.
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It does work sometimes.
Cancer is not an easy thing to defeat, since it’s your own body you are attempting to kill off. It’s the poisonous aspect of the treatment that makes it effective. You start to kill off the entire body, hoping to get the cancer first before the rest goes.
Glad I quit smoking and drinking in my 30s.
It makes more sense to quit eating sugar and engage in intermittent fasting and allow autophagy to do its thing.
what does intermittent fasting do?
Ketosis is the burning of fat and protein to produce energy as opposed to sugar in the form of glucose. When glucose runs out your cells switch gears and different DNA activates. Your cells undergo a transformation to burn fat and protein (96% fat and 4% protein). Cancerous cells cannot undergo this transformation, they become weakened when the sugar runs out. Your transformed cells become stronger and more resilient. Fasting is beneficial. I do 7 days of water only every 3 months. It is like a vacation for your internal organs and gives your body a chance to remove toxins. The first 3 days are hard as hell, but after that it gets much easier and you feel better because of a release of endorphins and serotonin. Cancer cells get extremely weak and cannot divide. It gives a better chance for your own immune system to eradicate and dispose of cancer cells.
That’s intermittent? I thought iternmenttient was like 18 hours
Since cancer cells are not as robust as normal body cells, they are more susceptible to the stress caused by the chemical or radiological treatments. I get that, but those methods should be far down the list of treatment options, and normally they would be, IF Big Pharma who controls the treatment protocols wasn't getting rich from it, along with the hospitals or clinics who administer the treatments. So the most dangerous options are the first options.
It wouldn’t surprise me single bit if early use of drugs like ivermectin ad other cheap drugs are the most effective treatment and they have been hiding it from us.
I’m damn sure gonna try if I do get it.