I do believe that this particular graphical representation is a memetic device created for the purposes of satirization of the absurdity of current instances of 'redefining' established terms for the purposes of lunification (def: the driving of the population nuts, or into 'lunacy').
Accordingly, I would like to propose that some notification be provided to the readers of this humorous and somewhat provocative posting that it is, in fact, not a fact, but a satirical construction. It's a meme.
(Note: a saucy sauce might also be useful to that effect.)
Pede seeking to reduce stress levels in mah pedes who may unnecessarily become agitated or have an unnecessary emotional reaction to a world apparently going even madder than it is, and/or prevent on-posting or forwarding under the mistaken notion that this is a real wiki entry.
Attn: Mr Five.
Dear Sir,
I do believe that this particular graphical representation is a memetic device created for the purposes of satirization of the absurdity of current instances of 'redefining' established terms for the purposes of lunification (def: the driving of the population nuts, or into 'lunacy').
The current wiki entry for this particular item: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Definition indicates this is NOT an actual or factual representation. Furthermore, the history of edits to the item also indicate it never has been: https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Definition&action=history
Accordingly, I would like to propose that some notification be provided to the readers of this humorous and somewhat provocative posting that it is, in fact, not a fact, but a satirical construction. It's a meme.
(Note: a saucy sauce might also be useful to that effect.)
Pede seeking to reduce stress levels in mah pedes who may unnecessarily become agitated or have an unnecessary emotional reaction to a world apparently going even madder than it is, and/or prevent on-posting or forwarding under the mistaken notion that this is a real wiki entry.
You write like a pro
Wait..... Are you saying I'm NOT a pro?
PS. Expressions freshly minted and coined.
just wait 5 years. It'll be a thing.
OK, what's it mean? Inquiring werdnerds want to know
You mean this?
lunification (def: the driving of the population nuts, or into 'lunacy')
"Our people have been significantly lunified due to the constant inanity of the global propaganda complex"
After being subjected to decades of lunification, the people had finally had enough.
Probably will be internet comments.
Shitpost flair added
Wir haben die Scheisse!!!
...and there was much rejoicing in the streets.