DJT re-truths God & Country. Is God and Country General Flynn on TS? Who is this woman next to General Flynn wearing a t-shirt with a "Q"?
🧐 Research Wanted 🤔

I grabbed this from a video I saw back in January of 2021. I don't recall what video it was.
Today, for some reason, I spotted it while looking for some other files.
Veronica is the lady in the picture. The Chicago bridge lady. They killed her in the hospital with "covid19" . Here is a post here about her from General Flynn. https://greatawakening.win/p/12kFwde7gx/veronica-wolski-died/c/
Seems like comms to me. Reassure the anons by being pictured with Q t-shirt lady while keeping plausible deniability.
q post 3352
great pick up
Pretty sure that was the woman (she died from covid protocols last year) who held sign up on the bridge/over pass in NY everyday. I am sorry - can’t pull her name off the top of my head. When i get back out to my research area will let you know, if someone doesn’t get to it first.
Veronica Wolski (aka the bridge lady) made and displayed patriot banners on a bridge overpass in Chicago everyday, until she was killed by Fauchi's Remdesivir & ventilator protocol. She also made custom shirts/hats/jewelry all emblazoned with a Q.
Her BFF is a very close friend of mine.
Thank you! I had Victoria stuck in my head &knew that was wrng 🙄
So sad.
I've looked for that video I don't know how many times and I can't find it. Now that I have a date when I took the screenshot, maybe I can find the video too.
Watch this, the part with V starts about 11 minutes in...
I've told my entire family, I will not go to the hospital for any illness in Washington State. I'll drive to Idaho or somewhere else I trust.
I'm not even sure there is a hospital that can be trusted at this point.
no. Wife is brunette.
They do look similar, oddly.
I mistakenly figured his wife had decided to let her hair gray.
I shoulda just stfu. lol
Thanks for the correction.
oh, no worries, I was confused too. no, no, don't stfu, it takes all of us to figure this stuff out