A mathematician, Abraham Wald, pointed out that perhaps the reason certain areas of the planes weren’t covered in bullet holes was that planes that were shot in certain critical areas did not return.
This insight led to the armor being re-enforced on the parts of returning planes where there were no bullet holes. This wisdom was also beneficially applied to the Skyraider during the Korean War.
This shows that the reasons why we are missing certain data may be more meaningful than the available data, itself.
So, in all the many questions we ask here on GAW, don’t only listen to what the evidence says, listen also to what is not being said.
Q confirmed Hitler’s rise came thru the Global Economic depression.
Rothschilds wanted Nazi's, and they got them.
That alone wouldn't have done it. A good book on the rise of Hiler is "The Fuhrer" by Konrad Heiden. There was a whole lot that happened in the 1920s that was a necessary ingredient of what followed. Hitler wanted power and the Nazis were deemed the least distressing option. It wasn't money that gave him the Chancellorship. (The Communists always had a following. The problem for the Nazi Party was that they were sharing the political pie with a handful of other parties. It is always a case---and a problem---of becoming the largest minority in a pluralistic field. The other parties had no program.)
You place far too much impetus for war on behalf of Rothschilds' chosen puppet, and not the Families themselves.
"Was Hitler a Puppet?"
Any good study of Hitler's life shows that he was not a "puppet." I have read more books on Hitler than I can count. He was his own man, regrettably.
A long string of questions is only a long string of questions. Some of it is frivolous (the Titanic? the Hindenburg?). Ultimately, the ability to ask a lot of questions does NOT imply the ability to answer them. (Why is the sky blue? Why are the colors of a secondary rainbow in reverse order to those of a primary rainbow?)
Weird take on Q's presentation style given the website you are typing on.