Before Corsi and Stone got in a big fight and Corsi filed a defamation suit against Alex in the hopes of pushing disclosure of Alex Jones' connection to his fake Q persona, Zack. Alex has 12 years of emails and texts out there in the open now and they're about to hit the streets as those Sandy Hook lawyers "accidentally" misplace the data - the texts are already showing up on 4chan.
One of them that I saw on 4chan was a group text between Corsi, Stone, Jones, and Trump Jr. from all the way back in 2015 talking about getting Trump on InfoWars before he declared.
This is going to get wild, hold on tight.
Personal emails are not defamation. So Corsi wouldn't be able to file disclosure on them. How'd that all go, btw?
It's Jones' attorney's job to file disclosure against the prosecution which would blow the case out of the water due to facts wouldn't it? To not disclose would be a coverup and to claim classified information is both a confession of fuckery and a coverup.
What an idiotic incompetent lawyer to 'accidently' provide the other side with your poopypants as evidence of your own dirty laundry. This is just beyond the pale of credibility.
aka: Holy cowfart, batman this reeks.
IN NO WAY do personal emails/discussions qualify for discovery for defamation.
But this is no real trial, it's another pony show.
Corsi, Stone, "Jones", all ponies in the show.
I think you may be right. The stuff I've seen is all about Trump, people are ignoring the Sandy Hook stuff.
Also, the first arrest will wake everyone up. I think the first arrest will be Trump.
Additionally, let's say Q was a full on larp (very unlikely, but stay with me for a second), and the Biden DOJ arrests Trump.
Civil War the 2nd will immediately kick off. No amount of global militaries, nor dem friendly combatants will stop the bloodshed. When Trump is freed (if he's not killed), he will be probably setup as a future leader once the bloodshed is complete. We might accidentally achieve the guidestone number in humanity as I believe if the civil war happened, it would go global.
Which POTUS?
Perhaps it's just another WH ruse to 'introduce evidence' in an unusual way. But I'm not following the story, so I have no idea.
Look here, not there!
Yet another distraction from something else that's happening that they don't want you to see or focus on.
MSM right now over text messages about Trump from Alex Jones "leaked" messages: