As many of you are also doing, I'm seeking out resources on medicinal herbals. I thought it might be good to have a thread of reputable references as we learn. I have some books, but also looking for online resources and/or online classes.
I'm in Colorado, so many of the books I've bought are about medicinal herbs for my area and elevation. This includes foraging... Because if it can grow wild, probably I can get it to grow on my property (?). I can share what these are, but since I haven't worked through them yet I can't vouche for how good they are (or are not).
There are also great books and videos for general "how to" that could be great starting points for those of use just learning.
Mods, feel free to remove if not enough on Q topic.
Thank you, that's a list that will take time to go through!!
I have watched some info on Back to Eden. I'm definitely going to try it. There is a tree service near me that offers free mulch !
Mercola is a good online source.
Do Terra essential oils and the how to use book.
Can you find a herbalist or naturopath in Colorado?
As far as I am concerned, doTerra has the best essential oils out there. Young Living is also good. The rest of them do not impress me and I worry about the quality.
Mercola is good , but he pushes too much of the plant based vegetarian diet for my liking. Good for some, but not others. He is also big into more high stress types of exercise. I am also not a big fan. Most people do not intake enough protein and antioxidants to mitigate the oxidation stress. Saw some really nasty shatter fractures with vegans that ran. Otherwise, Mercola has always been at the forefront. Kudos.
As far as finding specialty providers, like herbalists and homeopaths, each state may have associations and boards for those specialties. I think there are even national organizations. Sometimes providers buy adds in free local health publications usually found at places like Whole Foods or natural markets. Those are some of the best resources to find local providers.
T/u muchly for chiming in.
Are you recommending DoTerra for oil use specifically... or are you telling me it is still an effective resource for the herb, being just the oil derived from it?
I found an apothecary near me the other day and I’m hoping to cultivate that relationship.
I’m hoping to capture broad information here for more than just me. I know I’m not alone in exploring these things for the first time!! It is so fascinating!!!
I never thought about Mercola- I’ll need to check that out!!!
I like and use DoTerra essential oils for various things re: health and healing. They have a how-to book…which oil used for what need. Pretty sure there are several good books around on how to use EO’s of your choice.
No, I haven’t bought one yet, but I need to get one.
I have a number of EO books, but sort of stopped giving on it as much when supply chain became an issue. Sure to those sorts of concerns, I'm thinking about what I can grow. I have a black practicing now :)
Ah, got it.
Oooh, yea!!! I keep forgetting about her, but she’s the one all others reference. Thank you for the reminder!
" A handbook of Native American Herbs " by Alma R. Hutchens "Edible & Medicinal Plants of the Rockies" by Linda Kershaw
Thank you!!!
Health Through God's Pharmacy
Thank you! I opened the first link and it appears at first blush that these books may be free resources? I did not dig yet.
The author of the book you mentioned seems to have a number of books... I'll be checking the used shelves for sure !
Always good to get reinforcement on what is good, glad you chimed in.
Thank you, I will check it out!
I always forget there's is a broader .win community!! I would've even know how too start something like that- maybe we see if there is enough interest??
The more I learn about herbals the more interesting it is. I suspect you've found that with your mushroom investigations. I just want too soak it all up and be an encyclopedia of everything :)
Side note/tangentially related- did you see the TEDtalk about mushrooms? There are two that I recall (probably more now). This was a guy (the other was a female) and at the outset I was prepared to be disappointed I was just watching a bunch and this did not sound appealing. To date, it is one of the most fascinating I've seen.
Fasting is huge!! I’m not sure it is good for me though... I was doing great on keto and longer fasts ... but now I can’t get it back under control. I’m gaining back and intermittent fast regularly.
Yes. I’m beyond frustrated. I think I’m going to eliminate dairy and see how that works
I’d love to hear what you think :)
I used to listen to NPR until the amount of beliefs stated as fact was more than fact. Ugggg.... I think about how long it took me to discover that, and I wasn’t even really awake then!
Most of what “science” says is still theory but Heaven forbid that questions are asked. Taking the appropriate parts of anything has turned into a skill. One that I wish I didn’t need to hone- and also one that is saving our lives. Literally.
I know you know this stuff.... maybe I’m just wanting to “say” it out loud 🤣
This is not herbal medicine but it is a non Pharma source of healing - check out Rife frequencies (available on YT but I'm sure elsewhere) and do a little research on Royal Rife. I am having amazing results using these, and I have my parents and my friends and my husband using these too. The concept is brilliant. Good luck!
Oooh, I love this stuff too! And hopefully this is a growing repository/reference for many people.
I'm really amazed at our results
I believe we are barely scratching the surface of frequencies and how they can be used. I expect amazing revelations (discoveries?) within the next 5-10y and hopefully sooner.
wouldn't surprise me at all
Big Pharma is such a lie
Oh, thank you! I have heard of that.... I think YouTube advertisements for Dr Nicole Apelian....?
I absolutely agree...God gave us what we need. We've forgotten so much. And now there is time needed to reinvest and gain that knowledge back. Lately, I feel like this is a scramble, which is why I'm often gathering resources to assimilate later.
Today I took pictures of plants on my property so that I can verify what they are and take notes about what I have handy.
Download the app seek. Great tool for identification. Not 100% but its the best one i know of for identifying. Does mushrooms too
I looked for it, but didn't find. maybe it isn't available for iphone?
I think it is, see link below
My friend, you (your responses) are fast like a ninja! Downloaded !! has an online herbal medicine module. It's short and possible to be used for continuing education credits for many state licensed healthcare professionals.
That's perfect, thank you! Is in the middle of one free episode a day for free.
Great!! I’ll start today!!
The current free episode is episode 7 of 9 and it's available until 9pm central time, then you can click next and it will show ep 8.
It's not exactly an answer to the question asked, but I can point you to a source I trust for ingredients.
I love it!!! I don’t look at this info as just for me - we’re sharing for anyone :)
There are sooo many books on herbs, I quit buying them because of overlap and contradiction. If I were you, I'd start a spreadsheet or data base so you can index and find things better. Put in space for common names, botanical names, reference where you found something, pictures of flowers, leaves, whole plant with a ruler, cautions, preparations and uses, other plants that could be confused with that plant. That's a minimum you need to know, and it quickly gets out of hand when virtually every plant in the world has some quality that is helpful or harmful or both. Also, many cooking herbs and spices have medicinal qualities. Fortunately there is more scientific study going on now than there used to be and you can reference "studies" for those who have to have a Real Doctor tell them something. PubMed is a good place to start. I think the Indians (dot) and Middle Easterners have an edge there on publications. If you write your own book (you will) write the Index as you go along!
I have been thinking about how to organize such a database in my head... it helps me to write it down rather than just have read it in a book. I think especially on my property (essentially a boulder field) I can grow minimal.
Good tip about looking for books from other places that have a long standing openness to this sort of healing.
Spreadsheets are easier to get started on than a database and easier to grasp with a quick look. Look for one that can be exported to a database. I like to start with PubMed and explore their links and references.
But just a quick add. I adore spreadsheets like nothing else. I’ll have to reconsider them for this application !
OneNote is my preferred and I was thinking about checking Evernote to see if similar. I don’t want to get into a real database!!!
ugh, I used to struggle with Access and I say, there is nothing I needed to do with it that I couldn't do with Excel.
Do they still deploy Access? Blech!!
Don't know. That was long ago. I had another one that's vanished from market but it was just as boring to set up and make entries.