A convention IS what's needed, but you are correct, the only way it can happen is if we clean house first so that their power is at 5 or maybe 10% control rather than the 60-70% they have now... and I'm talking about governmental/bureaucratic power mostly but also we need to get rid of all the cabal/Soros/NWO leftists AND more importantly the RINOs.
Yeah, its a chicken and egg type thing. How do you get rid of them without changes, but how do you make changes with them woven into the government so deeply. Allowing them to make changes would only dig them in deeper. You have to push them back and seize power before you make a move to change things structurally and at the root.
Imagine 2A removed. Imagine POTUS term limits removed. Imagine 1A removed. Imagine ALL of those and more. It would be chaos and pure civil war. If there is any hope of a pseudo peaceful legal solution we have to remove them from power first. Everything else leads to death and destruction for everyone.
Agreed. That is my concern. There are those out there pushing for Article V thinking that is going to fix the problems - or that is the rationale they are using to get people to buy into the idea. The reality is that they want to trash our Constitution. So, as long as we are in our current state of affairs, as you so well described, Article V is a non starter.
We must take back our states. All politics are local and that is where we must make our stand. If we can clean up our states, then all we have to do is refuse to play the Federal game. Only then can Article V even be contemplated. Then we can work on dismantling the Federal beast. But, we must stop their agenda moving forward on our local levels first. Most people do not even realize how far along all the UN sustainable development agendas have progressed just in their local communities already. They are moving in lockstep all over the world and those nooses are getting ready to strangle us. God help us.
Question, why a convention when individual states can do the same thing. And it's interesting that florida is leading the way on all things states rights. Conventions rewuire state reps and most states reps are deep state
No. There are a handful of things the states CAN'T FIX AT ALL.
Term limits. This can done several ways but it is desperately needed.
Fixing the 16th amendment/tax laws. I could write a dissertation on this. Did you know it would be legit and constitutional for the congress to put a 99% tax on EVERYONE. That is the constitutional equivalence of 1A having a dozen "exceptions" so its freaking useless. The 16th doesn't need to be repealed. It needs to be FIXED. It should have had limits. Even a simple they can tax incomes and incomes only up to 20% would have sufficed. We gave them a CC and the pin then said... don't spend too much. I could fix this with one line. Every citizen must be taxed at the same rate regardless of income race sex creed etc. If the rate is 2% then EVERYONE rich or poor pays 2%. You remove the tax the rich bullshit and tax rates would fall quick.
Limiting debt. That is a tax on the people that we get little say in. They are writing checks we have to pay later.
There is an argument to be made that the 2nd amendment needs to be fixed. IE clarify that every citizen is a citizen soldier and should have access to similar equipment to what is standard issue for a soldier. A lot of wording issues but it does away with the but muh muskets bullshit. In 100 years when the standard issue weapon is a mark 99 phaser rifle then a citizen should have access to a civilian version of that same weapon just like we have AR-15s vs M4s today.
The other big 2A issue is the way they allow different states or even cities to have RADICALLY different gun laws. You toss your gun in your truck and its 100% legal. You then drive 100 miles away and catch a fucking felony because you drove over some invisible line on a map. WORSE you weren't even going there you were driving down the highway and got pulled over in a traffic stop. That's bullshit. How to fix this is MUCH more complicated but it needs to be addressed.
Anchor babies. That shit needs to be ended. One of the parents has to be a citizen for the child to be a citizen. It wouldn't take any effort to word a quick amendment and it would pass easily... IF we get rid of these stupid open boarders lunatics.
Huh? Term limits is one of the most important things we need right now. Look at how all the people we are trying to get rid of are all long term and are very old. People like Pelosi would never be able to gather up so much power. Look at how term limits severely limited Obama. He would have clearly tried to keep running if POTUS didn't have a 2 term limit.
Look at this list. See all those Democrat names with 30+ years in office. Then when you look at the GOP names you realize half of them are establishment RINOs that help the Uniparty not the people. THIS IS THE PROBLEM with congress. Term limits isn't a pure fix but it damn sure would help.
If you get rid of the parasites we have in our government right now, amend the constitution, and fix congress they can then do their job and dismantle the three letter agencies. If states start arresting alphabet soup agents it will only lead to violence and things like succeeding from the union. Its is a plan that only ends in destruction just like the first civil war.
I'm not even saying don't do some of this. I'm just saying be smart about it. Use it as a way to expose them. Its not going to change anything. The exposure is what creates real change. Arresting them isn't the solution. Its merely a tool.
I know, This is so complicated that I don’t know how it is going to be fixed with so many traitors we have and people who are not from this country infiltrated within the country and the federal and state level government. How are going to clean these places? Hopefully God will give us the tools to let us know who are traitors and real patriots.
A convention IS what's needed, but you are correct, the only way it can happen is if we clean house first so that their power is at 5 or maybe 10% control rather than the 60-70% they have now... and I'm talking about governmental/bureaucratic power mostly but also we need to get rid of all the cabal/Soros/NWO leftists AND more importantly the RINOs.
Yeah, its a chicken and egg type thing. How do you get rid of them without changes, but how do you make changes with them woven into the government so deeply. Allowing them to make changes would only dig them in deeper. You have to push them back and seize power before you make a move to change things structurally and at the root.
Imagine 2A removed. Imagine POTUS term limits removed. Imagine 1A removed. Imagine ALL of those and more. It would be chaos and pure civil war. If there is any hope of a pseudo peaceful legal solution we have to remove them from power first. Everything else leads to death and destruction for everyone.
Agreed. That is my concern. There are those out there pushing for Article V thinking that is going to fix the problems - or that is the rationale they are using to get people to buy into the idea. The reality is that they want to trash our Constitution. So, as long as we are in our current state of affairs, as you so well described, Article V is a non starter.
We must take back our states. All politics are local and that is where we must make our stand. If we can clean up our states, then all we have to do is refuse to play the Federal game. Only then can Article V even be contemplated. Then we can work on dismantling the Federal beast. But, we must stop their agenda moving forward on our local levels first. Most people do not even realize how far along all the UN sustainable development agendas have progressed just in their local communities already. They are moving in lockstep all over the world and those nooses are getting ready to strangle us. God help us.
Question, why a convention when individual states can do the same thing. And it's interesting that florida is leading the way on all things states rights. Conventions rewuire state reps and most states reps are deep state
No. There are a handful of things the states CAN'T FIX AT ALL.
Term limits. This can done several ways but it is desperately needed.
Fixing the 16th amendment/tax laws. I could write a dissertation on this. Did you know it would be legit and constitutional for the congress to put a 99% tax on EVERYONE. That is the constitutional equivalence of 1A having a dozen "exceptions" so its freaking useless. The 16th doesn't need to be repealed. It needs to be FIXED. It should have had limits. Even a simple they can tax incomes and incomes only up to 20% would have sufficed. We gave them a CC and the pin then said... don't spend too much. I could fix this with one line. Every citizen must be taxed at the same rate regardless of income race sex creed etc. If the rate is 2% then EVERYONE rich or poor pays 2%. You remove the tax the rich bullshit and tax rates would fall quick.
Limiting debt. That is a tax on the people that we get little say in. They are writing checks we have to pay later.
There is an argument to be made that the 2nd amendment needs to be fixed. IE clarify that every citizen is a citizen soldier and should have access to similar equipment to what is standard issue for a soldier. A lot of wording issues but it does away with the but muh muskets bullshit. In 100 years when the standard issue weapon is a mark 99 phaser rifle then a citizen should have access to a civilian version of that same weapon just like we have AR-15s vs M4s today.
The other big 2A issue is the way they allow different states or even cities to have RADICALLY different gun laws. You toss your gun in your truck and its 100% legal. You then drive 100 miles away and catch a fucking felony because you drove over some invisible line on a map. WORSE you weren't even going there you were driving down the highway and got pulled over in a traffic stop. That's bullshit. How to fix this is MUCH more complicated but it needs to be addressed.
Anchor babies. That shit needs to be ended. One of the parents has to be a citizen for the child to be a citizen. It wouldn't take any effort to word a quick amendment and it would pass easily... IF we get rid of these stupid open boarders lunatics.
I could go on all freaking night.
I agree on everything but term limits. Just prosecute violators of the Bill of Rights.
Huh? Term limits is one of the most important things we need right now. Look at how all the people we are trying to get rid of are all long term and are very old. People like Pelosi would never be able to gather up so much power. Look at how term limits severely limited Obama. He would have clearly tried to keep running if POTUS didn't have a 2 term limit.
Look at this list. See all those Democrat names with 30+ years in office. Then when you look at the GOP names you realize half of them are establishment RINOs that help the Uniparty not the people. THIS IS THE PROBLEM with congress. Term limits isn't a pure fix but it damn sure would help.
Don't bother. It needs to go.
The constitution needs to go? That's what the communist want. What they replace it with would be freaking horrible.
We need to get rid of the 3 alphabet letters organizations that are coming to our states and arrest and who knows what else.
If you get rid of the parasites we have in our government right now, amend the constitution, and fix congress they can then do their job and dismantle the three letter agencies. If states start arresting alphabet soup agents it will only lead to violence and things like succeeding from the union. Its is a plan that only ends in destruction just like the first civil war.
I'm not even saying don't do some of this. I'm just saying be smart about it. Use it as a way to expose them. Its not going to change anything. The exposure is what creates real change. Arresting them isn't the solution. Its merely a tool.
I know, This is so complicated that I don’t know how it is going to be fixed with so many traitors we have and people who are not from this country infiltrated within the country and the federal and state level government. How are going to clean these places? Hopefully God will give us the tools to let us know who are traitors and real patriots.