Chk with the state and make sure you aren't listed as an organ doner. Your body parts are now at least 3x previous value...just in case you find yourself in an ER
Funny, I was kicked out of the ER last year for refusing the pcr test. Took myself off the donor list a while back. Had to do it twice before it finally stuck. We are livestock to [them].
Same. St Francis in Tacoma. Injured arm and went for x-ray. Was strange. Right in the middle of it all. Parking lots were all empty. The whole place was dead. Someone was at the door to lock/unlock. PCR test area was at the entrance and was "voluntary". Only those who volunteered were allowed in the building. I passed.
I'm unvaxxed and haven't had it. I do pay more attention to handwashing while I'm in public, but not to the point of OCD.
I have some horse paste in the closet just in case.
Chk with the state and make sure you aren't listed as an organ doner. Your body parts are now at least 3x previous value...just in case you find yourself in an ER
Funny, I was kicked out of the ER last year for refusing the pcr test. Took myself off the donor list a while back. Had to do it twice before it finally stuck. We are livestock to [them].
Same. St Francis in Tacoma. Injured arm and went for x-ray. Was strange. Right in the middle of it all. Parking lots were all empty. The whole place was dead. Someone was at the door to lock/unlock. PCR test area was at the entrance and was "voluntary". Only those who volunteered were allowed in the building. I passed.
Oh boy. I'd better check to be sure it stuck.