295 AM I WRONG FOR FEELING A LITTLE UNEASY WITH THIS NEW SPACE FORCE LOGO? (media.greatawakening.win) posted 2 years ago by LibtardsGotTrumped 2 years ago by LibtardsGotTrumped +301 / -6 252 comments download share 252 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
I see an inverted square with a compass.
Lets ask u/sleepydude and u/Zeitreise if they got any insight on this one.
It's pretty on the nose.
Pharaoh is looking up.
We must always have leaders.
What happens when our leaders declare themselves gods?
Would they bother looking up to the stars? Up at the firmament to discern how to proceed?
Or would they do as they please?
Pharaoh is looking up.
It's up to you to determine if that star in the sky is the One True God or a counterfeit.
The meaning of this can go either way...
This star's form is connected to 'navigation'...aka 'how to proceed'.
Earth as grid.
The Star is also Divine Intervention as the 17th card in the tarot.
The upward pointing chevron of the overall logo is also clew.
Hopefully things will be looking up.
The star in the logo is Sirius.