People divided into us and them. (Are you lgbtqr+?]
People are forced to IDENTIFY themselves (what is your identity?)
Discrimination, which works two ways, giving people extra rights, and taking them away from others
Dehumanization (people equated with animals, vermin, diseases) (what is the majority of the population seeing right now? certain groups spreading disease? To other humans? To animals?)
Organization (the government creates special groups to track, every person who finds their identity can be tracked) (we need to protect vax/alphabet/black people)
Polarization (look at what is being dripped and dropped between the lines) (lgbtyxz- people are now classified as mentally ill/disabled) (it’s black culture that is the reason for animal behavior, it’s not their fault!)
Preparation (here are special places for all of you lgblackqxyvax people to come and be protected)
There is no 8 needed, 9 is already happening... 10 is already in place.
This is depopulation of the most vulnerable to sin.
The majority of the population just lives their lives watching. The loud minority is being played.
Think Pleasure Island from Pinocchio.
Easier to attract moths to the flame then to chase them there.
In the US, though , I think the people, for the most part, re through with the covid hoopla. I rarely see masks, none of the stores I frequent have the Plexiglas shields at the registers anymore and no hand sanitizes at the registers. The most serious strains of ' whatever covid was' have passed and whatever semblance is still out there resembles a mild summer cold. I dont see any way that a new pandemic will get the same cooperation that the 'covid' one held (by the people, that is). They might still be able to strongarm businesses to enforce some rules but as to the hysteria? I just dont see it working again.
How many countries got to #7? Australia & ?
there was theft of property bank accounts shut down segregation 2 tier society to shun the unjabbed in australia.
I think we are in number 8
Let’s add some clarification here...
The question of the day is, "what group is it"?
In the US, though , I think the people, for the most part, re through with the covid hoopla. I rarely see masks, none of the stores I frequent have the Plexiglas shields at the registers anymore and no hand sanitizes at the registers. The most serious strains of ' whatever covid was' have passed and whatever semblance is still out there resembles a mild summer cold. I dont see any way that a new pandemic will get the same cooperation that the 'covid' one held (by the people, that is). They might still be able to strongarm businesses to enforce some rules but as to the hysteria? I just dont see it working again.
The problem they are having is the group they want to eliminate is exceptionally well armed. Good luck with that.
So #6 = FBI in the USA.
Where is Trump in all of this? Thoughts?
Plotting his revenge as recently hinted.
Use the enemies weapons against them.