I am truly curious though why kids seem to pass whatever from one person to the next. Having a large family, stuff does "run through" and take down one after the other with same symptoms, and is often apparently picked up from others say at church or when visiting extended family. I don't doubt for a second that the whole germ theory may need revised/discarded.
This is one of the unanswered questions (and believe me there are plenty of hypotheses, just none fully proven) and probably the reason is that for the last 70 years no one has been actually trying to research this in the correct scientific way.
Remember all the times before plandemic started when your kid catches a virus and you take them to the doctor and they say "Ah, it's a viral infection. Nothing can be done about it you have to let it run its course"
Even as a completely asleep person at that time, it always sounded fishy - like we can cure cancer but we cant cure common cold?
When all is done, we will have to rebuild everything from scratch, including Science.
Except it has been proven time in and time again from as early as the 1918 Spanish flu pandemic through several repeated studies that pathogens do not spread as Germ theory falsely claims. In addition, no virus has ever been isolated and purified to prove their existence. The word 'virus' is a Latin word meaning 'slime'; 'poison'. This should give you a clue as to 'why' this name was originally chosen, but has since been falsified into a 'zombie' Bogeyman lurking in every dark corner of society.
Here's another clue for you. Every pharmaceutical medicine on the market weakens the immune system. Another clue is that in 2021 due to the lock-downs, mothers were unable to vaccinate their toddles and newborns. SIDS dropped precipitously as a result and was the lowest on record.
Today, the most prevalent cause of disease is from environmental chemical toxins that attack the neurological system and cause auto-immune diseases. In 2002, Dr. Tom Mack of USC stated --
“My credentials include probably spending more time working up [analyses of] population-based outbreaks of smallpox than virtually anybody ever has.”
Mack then stated --
“If people are worried about endemic smallpox [long lingering or permanent presence of the disease in the population], it disappeared from this country not because of our mass herd immunity [derived from the vaccine]. It disappeared because of our economic development. And that’s why it disappeared from Europe and many other countries…[its disappearance is] not from universal vaccination.”
“The informed consent that you would have to prepare to vaccinate somebody in the public, if it’s honest, would have to say that dangers would exceed the benefits.” BOOM.
I am truly curious though why kids seem to pass whatever from one person to the next. Having a large family, stuff does "run through" and take down one after the other with same symptoms, and is often apparently picked up from others say at church or when visiting extended family. I don't doubt for a second that the whole germ theory may need revised/discarded.
This is one of the unanswered questions (and believe me there are plenty of hypotheses, just none fully proven) and probably the reason is that for the last 70 years no one has been actually trying to research this in the correct scientific way.
Remember all the times before plandemic started when your kid catches a virus and you take them to the doctor and they say "Ah, it's a viral infection. Nothing can be done about it you have to let it run its course"
Even as a completely asleep person at that time, it always sounded fishy - like we can cure cancer but we cant cure common cold?
When all is done, we will have to rebuild everything from scratch, including Science.
The reason that happens is because it is a virus, it spreads slowly for some, more quickly for others depending on exposure and health.
Except it has been proven time in and time again from as early as the 1918 Spanish flu pandemic through several repeated studies that pathogens do not spread as Germ theory falsely claims. In addition, no virus has ever been isolated and purified to prove their existence. The word 'virus' is a Latin word meaning 'slime'; 'poison'. This should give you a clue as to 'why' this name was originally chosen, but has since been falsified into a 'zombie' Bogeyman lurking in every dark corner of society.
Here's another clue for you. Every pharmaceutical medicine on the market weakens the immune system. Another clue is that in 2021 due to the lock-downs, mothers were unable to vaccinate their toddles and newborns. SIDS dropped precipitously as a result and was the lowest on record.
Today, the most prevalent cause of disease is from environmental chemical toxins that attack the neurological system and cause auto-immune diseases. In 2002, Dr. Tom Mack of USC stated --
“My credentials include probably spending more time working up [analyses of] population-based outbreaks of smallpox than virtually anybody ever has.”
Mack then stated --
You're absolutely incorrect about all of this.
Well that was persuasive.
Well, there you have it. Your dogma precedes your cognitive thinking.