yeah, you and the sub Saharan Africans are the same
cut the hippy shit or you are walking mindlessly in to slavery, dont confuse nice words for reality
no, are are not all one, we all come from the same primordial energy but saying we are all one is spitting on millions of years of evolutionary differences, the idea we are all equal is one of the ways we have been lied to, we arnt all the same, we arnt even the same species, a grey wolf and a Coyote are more closely related than Europeans are to sub Saharan Africans
We can be one humanity while also cherishing our differences WITHOUT letting them get in the way. Sadly, too many are still brainwashed to the point where they feel like they have to tear down certain groups in order to build up other groups, all in the name of equality and equity. Sorry, but nature doesn't work that way. No one is created equal. Nature doesn't parse out intelligence, capabilities, or opportunities equally because that ensures the survival of any given species. And when you try to force "equality" and/or "equity," continued and growing inequality is the result. Which leads to strife, war, famine, and then death.
We aren't "all one" and we shouldn't be viewing ourselves as such, either.
Thanks for posting.
"Awakening" is more than understanding we have been deceived about almost everything.
"Awakening" is understanding why we have been deceived about almost everything.
yeah, you and the sub Saharan Africans are the same
cut the hippy shit or you are walking mindlessly in to slavery, dont confuse nice words for reality
no, are are not all one, we all come from the same primordial energy but saying we are all one is spitting on millions of years of evolutionary differences, the idea we are all equal is one of the ways we have been lied to, we arnt all the same, we arnt even the same species, a grey wolf and a Coyote are more closely related than Europeans are to sub Saharan Africans
We are souls. We are not physical bodies.
Everything is the Ether. The "ether' is conscious energy [God]. We are individual points of conscious energy [souls].
We are indeed "all one". The 100th monkey effect is a good example of this.
Yet hue-man we are not. We are intellectual animals. You'd be hard pressed to find a single true human among us.
I love Tesla. I’m anxiously waiting for all of his technology to be made public so we can use it. The world is going to change for the better, imho.
Nothing can stop what is coming. :)
I wish I knew.
~ 470 years
A golden age is upon us. I just hope I'm still alive when it arrives kek
does Trump have his notes/diary?
I'd say it is very likely.
Time to annihilate our egos (fear is an ego as well) and turn believing into personal experience of the truth.
Quotes from the Wise:
We can be one humanity while also cherishing our differences WITHOUT letting them get in the way. Sadly, too many are still brainwashed to the point where they feel like they have to tear down certain groups in order to build up other groups, all in the name of equality and equity. Sorry, but nature doesn't work that way. No one is created equal. Nature doesn't parse out intelligence, capabilities, or opportunities equally because that ensures the survival of any given species. And when you try to force "equality" and/or "equity," continued and growing inequality is the result. Which leads to strife, war, famine, and then death.
We aren't "all one" and we shouldn't be viewing ourselves as such, either.
We are souls. We are not physical bodies.
Everything is the Ether. The "ether' is conscious energy [God]. We are individual points of conscious energy [souls].
We are indeed "all one". The 100th monkey effect is a good example of this.
Just remember, when some wierdo cuts you off when you are driving, that person IS you..... helps prevent road rage.