I used to get really angry, stressed and upset about all of this but after the CDC changing their guidelines and NPC’s not realizing they were duped I have accepted that nothing will change until everything goes to complete shit because normies and NPC’s simply are too brainwashed/stupid and lazy to care.
We can’t stop the money printer going bbbrrrrr so I don’t care about the student loans being forgiven and whatever reckless spending we do anymore. Until it goes to complete shit it can’t get better. The Fed/US dollar has to be destroyed.
Not worried about delta’s, Q time stamps or any of that. Just being prepared, enjoying the decline and will have grand time watching Seattle leftist’s and limousine liberals freak out.
I’ll vote red, I am involved in the local GOP but other then that just enjoying the shit show cause until normies reach the precipice worrying about it is a waste of energy. If you’re awake and prepared you’re way ahead of 90% of the population. So kickback and enjoy the panic of the elites and enjoy the panic of the NPC’s/leftists freaking the fuck out after they lose everything. Enjoy the decline.
👆 Who down votes this?
I 100% agree with you. I work for a woke company, our CEO is a member of the WEF and here in New England, I worry (name checks out) because there are rumblings of the muzzles coming back at the schools.
Loonie libby normies with their Ukraine flags have infested this region something horrible.
Of all the hobbies in the world, tagging along behind someone to downvote what they say has to be the biggest waste of time I've seen to date. Kek!
And some nutjob downvoted you , omg ..
I think I have one (or more) of those as well. Their downvote is expected at this point.
+24 and -1 means I would obviously ignore the -1.
Same trolls who lurk about in the shadows and on the edge of life with little purpose who live in their mommy’s basement. They get crushed when someone “Offends” them. They think a downvote will cause you to cry like they do. If some of those turds grew up with my family and worked with some of my former clients they would have ended up in a corner rocking themselves as they cried. If you’re offended, go away!
Purkiss gets hit with them big time. Me, a few times, but I don't post all that often, mostly do snarky comments for fun.
Move to a Red state. I know … cliche’ … and I know thats an easy narrative coming from the cheap seats. I live in Kentucky. Moved here from Illinois. First massive impact no one told me about … utility bills literally cut in half. HALF. Family of 5. HALF. People were 10X friendlier. School fees for the kids went from $550 per kid (PUBLIC SCHOOL!!!) to … no shit … $60 per kid. Exponentially better education … in fuking KENTUCKY!!! Taxes: vehicles, property, income, sales … easily saved is $10K per year. Actaully, property tax on a $175K house in Illinois was $5350 annual, $205K house in KY was $885 annual.
Move to a Red state. NOW!
Kentucky is a state I often forget about ..so happy for you and family , I bet there is beautiful country there ..I’ve never been , I’d like to check it out someday :)
Yes. Its like most places. Its got ‘some’ trashy places. For the most part its pretty amazing. When my buddies come to visit from out west they always, every one, comment on how everyone is polite and friendly. I guess we don't notice because we live here and its just our social norm.
I'm your neighbor to the north! So sad IL has been ruined by the Dem machine.
It is tragic. Interior Illinois is amazing. People are excellent, most places are clean, fresh air. The administrative state has completely shit all over the people of ‘down state’ Illinois (most of Illinois).
I hear ya. I was born and raised a couple hundred miles north of you. I've been to Kentucky before and you are very fortunate to live is such a beautiful region.
Fortunately like much of the USA, many residents in my current town support Conservative principals (and Trump), but the iron fist rulers (who likely cheated) make the rules for us minions.
I have thought about packing up my family and retreating to a red state (my wife still wants to), but I see through the empty promises and lies of the regional Demoncrats. There are a lot of people to wake up around here, so my work is cut out for me. This region CAN be reclaimed and I'll be on the battlefield until then.
Only a communist would down vote it! Because op is 100% right on target correct!!
Do not comply.
...a prick
If someone is scrolling through comments on a phone it's easy to accidentally hit the downvote. I've done it and caught it luckily. But I'm sure there's been times I didn't. I wouldn't worry about it.
This is especially true for left handed scrollers