Daily Call To Action Repost #6 (will repost until September 3 when it will be deleted) Also sorry for the late post today, it has been a packed weekend.
Below is my understanding after listening to the Moment of Truth Event & having others reach out to me. I am not a lawyer, and would love some insight into this information.
The plan is to get Sheriffs to start investigations & force all machines to not be used during the election as a result. Sounded like the data we collect can be run against multiple TB of data Lindell has.
Lindell has many Sheriffs ready, to teach other unaware Sheriffs, how to find/verify the fraud themselves so they can take the machines before the machines can be used in elections.
They showed machine fraud in every single county so far that used machines (even Trump won counties & states).
Step 1 Check this site to see if your county is already listed. http://ordros.com/cvr/
If your county is listed, skip to Step 3.
Step 2 We must get these Cast Vote Records immediately in every single county. You can can either review Lone Racoon's in depth guide, in the link, or you can read the basics that I have laid out: https://magaraccoon.com/docs/cvrsfordummiesv2.pdf
This is the link to Lindell's site to find info yourself with an email & phone request- https://frankspeech.com/article/save-your-county
Screenshot of that page: https://files.catbox.moe/0doyv9.jpg
Lindell's site text:
The Cast Vote Records are the clearest indicators of whether or not there is machine-based election fraud. On September 3, 2022, federal protections for these records under Title 52 Section 20701 comes to an end allowing the legal destruction of these records. Don’t let these records disappear from the public conscience. Please use the following form language to request the Cast Vote Records for the 2020 General Election from your county and municipal clerks before it is too late. Copy and paste the template below and supply the value for your jurisdiction and send to your county and municipal clerks.
(copy & paste the form below, update the jurisdiction with your county)
Pursuant to our state’s freedom of information law, please remit the Cast Vote Records [insert jurisdiction] from the 2020 General Election. These records should include the following fields as a minimum:
- CVR Record #
- Timestamp
- Tabulator ID
- Municipality
- Precinct
- Batch ID
- Record ID
- Counting Group
- Session Type
- Ballot Type ID
- Paper Index
- Contest
- Candidate
- Undervotes
- Overvotes
- Mark Density
Lone Racoon has some tips for getting those records here: https://magaraccoon.com/foia.html
There was an organization ready to help anyone who gets pushback from their county clerks. The Cause of America is the group name I heard listening to the Lindell event. I think this is their site- https://causeofamerica.org/
- If you are sending info about a rejection, please send it to CVRRejections@proton.me
If they refuse to give you the information (thanks u/TRYNEIN ):
A clerk is a 'Public Servant' and they are required to have a surety bond in order to hold that position.
Demand they give you a copy of their surety bond and a copy of her financial statement.
Tell them if they do not want to perform their duties as a public servant that you will file a complaint against their bond.
Take a witness or two with you, if you can, who will be willing to file affidavits that she isn't doing her duty.
Also, you should be able to get a copy from the county recorders office if needed. (context found here https://greatawakening.win/p/15JTb4yJ9z/x/c/4OcQsKjDGu1)
-- u/brick57 shared this info on bonds. I Ave not had time to verify this & do not know about it at all, though it appears to have some detailed bond info for each state from my initial glance. Unfortunately I will not have time to dig into this at all for a few days. If anyone else can, or if it is useful for you go for it & report back.
More info here. Bonds for the Win https://bondsforthewin.com/filing-claims/
Step 3
When you get your Cast Vote Records (assuming they are not in the system above already) email that file to draza@ordros.com & racoon@frankspeech.com (Lindell just said on his interview that they will put the data together for easy Sheriff use https://frankspeech.com/video/mike-lindells-interview-clint-curtis-moment-truth-summit also Aug 30 Alabama judge is looking at the evidence in this video link about 13:14). UPDATE
- If you are sending a Cast Vote Record file or files, send it to NewCVRs@proton.me . I would send it to every email & let's watch the telegram channel to see if they want it ONLY to one of those emails. Likely Lindell auto forwards to the proper Racoon email.
Step 4
Start digging for fraud. I am looking into how to do this myself, I believe Lone Racoon had some info on http://ordros.com on how to do it. https://magaraccoon.com/ has a wealth of information & I am still digging into it. I will put highlights here as I find them. Always grateful for suggestions & pointers. If you have a question, please continue to send it to TheLoneRaccoon@protonmal.com and/or MamaRaccoon@protonmail.com
Lady Draza did a live explanation of analysis on their telegram. 8pm EST 08/25 https://t.me/ladydraza
As of the time I wrote this, she claimed that she would put a write up of that live explanation/Q&A up on Telegram this week https://t.me/ladydraza/2268
Step 5
Report fraud to Sheriffs & share with local friends so they can tell Sheriffs too.
(I need to find the style/editing info post about green letters, italics, etc... Will update this to look better once I find those instructions for future posts).
u/Emyrylde thanks for these Telegram Channel Links, if you have it please post the link to that data analysis trainingnfor Draza in comments. Anyone can follow the discussions that Lone Racoon & Lady Draza post with related to election machine stuff
they are doing whatever they can to run out the clock so they can destroy whatever is left..why are we getting all the excuses that we dont have them?
That may be exactly what my country is doing by saying they need more time to look into it.
This is the response I received from our country clerks office… Any recommendations on next steps ? My assumption they are considering my request closed.
“I received your request for the Cast Vote Record via certified mail. As I have notified other requestors, we do not have this record. For the November 3, 2020 election, we operated under version 4.14DS. This record can only be created in version 5.5CS, which was just implemented in Green County in July of 2022. Therefore, we do not have this record for the 2020 General Election.”
Send that to the CVRRejections@proton.me
I am not a lawyer, but that sounds like they are passing claiming that some tech guy deleted it all during an "upgrade" which sounded like it violates federal law.
Possibly a strike against their bond needs to be pushed for not complying with federal law.
Does the CVR term pre-date voting machines? My impression was the info existed regardless of whether the machines were used.
It could be legalese & abusing definitions (letter vs spirit of the law). Every county should have a cast vote record, even if they do not call it that. This hs been done long before machines in my state.
Agreed, but I'm struggling to communicate with the clerks on this right now. Oddly enough the most liberal county clerk was the most responsive.
Republicans do cheat as much as Dems. The more I dig, the more it seems party doesn't matter so long as you are able & willing to be controlled by the deep state.
Lawsuit for failure to retain records, as required by law. Motion for preservation of records. Start striking their bond.
How convenient.
Honestly, I think Lindell should have had the cast vote record instructions given out to the public sooner. It's not much time till September 3rd.
I just completed the process of typing out 70 something emails. (I figured why not do every county in the state? Many of them are tiny farming counties and would be unlikely to have anyone request the records.)
What's plain to me is the mission we're working on now has benefits beyond acquiring CVRs. It's putting attention on each of these little sleepy counties. The fact that it's a bit disorganized is beneficial because we'll approach the requests in our own unique way, making it hard for the cabal to create a unified response.
Word will get out that "MAGATS" are sniffing around and looking for issues. Persons knowingly involved in the fraud will feel the heat and sit the next one out. Honest workers will perform better knowing there is scrutiny on their work. In the short time I've been working the polls I've already received a firsthand account of voting fraud--unprompted. It predates Dominion and persists because we'd become too indifferent.
If Lindell had orchestrated this earlier the cabal would have had time to mount a legal response or intimidate the record holders. It's going to be hard for them to orchestrate that suppression op before November.
Exactly what I was thinking.
Question: Does anyone know the exact law that clerks are breaking by not providing the records? Some clerks say the Sunshine law does not apply to these cast-vote records, claiming they contain sensitive information.
Since the Sunshine Law wasn't enough, we wished we had the exact statute in our hand to give to our clerk today, which would have required her to produce the requested records. Does anyone know where we can find the federal law?
Thank you!!!
HonestBobbin how about if your county has the Dominion machines? For examples I live in Fl and I went to the library and I voted it for the primaries there they have those machines so I can imagine they cheat.
If you are able to watch many of the videos from Sunday at Frank Speech you will see that every voting system is likely to have fraud. I do not know the specifics of how Dominion is rigged, though listening to the former Republican programmer (who created the code to rig the machines in Florida during the Bush/Gore election) during the Moment of Truth event, it is clear it is way too easy for these machines to be pre loaded with the winner.
I am pretty confident that is how the RINO Republicans have all won primaries in Utah (once machines were installed, Mittens Romney was installed as well as John Curtis).
edit: Still go to your county Clerk tomorrow & get the data. If you get pushback/denied then email the proper address above with your experience & as much documentation as possible.
What I have to do to get the data? Steps?
Here is the updated list I have. https://greatawakening.win/p/15JTtnNKAy/
Specifically go to your county Clerk & get request the data in the bullet points above from the Cast Vote Records.
If there is any reason they do not give it to you, it must be emailed to truthsummit@frankspeech.com so Mike Lindell can sue that clerk to keep the records from being destroyed.
Ok I will.
Do I have to pay for it?
Some will request a fee. If they do & you cannot afford it, send it as a denial & that money was the barrier.
Ok thank you.
This was their answer Please note that the Cast Vote Records (CVR) will only list the randomly produced serial number for the record, the precinct number and the votes recorded on the ballot card – that’s it. Should i keep requesting it? Also, I do not who I should trust to give this info. They do not use Dominion machines but the use other software and the machines testing is October 12. What should I do? Thank you.
Many individuals will be digging & you can dig to look for fraud as well. Sounds like there are some Sheriffs that could be willing to sieze all machines in their county if general fraud is proven with machines for them to do their own investigation.
I posted some updated info on approaching your sheriff here: https://greatawakening.win/p/15JTtnNKAy/day-11--instructions-on-cvr-from/
I just heard back from my county in PA who got my email request for the voting records. They said they are looking into it and have requested a 30 day extension to respond. I don't know it I'll get them, but they didn't dismiss outright, so I remain hopeful.
I would verify this isn't a stalling tactic & that they will keep those records past the 30 day extension period.
What the fuck is happening on Sept 3?
That's the day they can legally delete the election records.
Federl law allows all of the Cast Vote Data the machines recorded will be erased & we will not be able to compare it against the data Mike Lindell now owns regarding the vote in every precinct.
That is some fucked up shit. Why did they have to wait till the last damn min to get this info out???? He said he had it over a year now.
I am hoping it was a planned timing thing & faith in Americans to get out, get info & to bring massive lawsuits against ALL clerks who refuse to give us the data.
There isn't enough time to spin a narrative, there isn't enough time to replace the machines all across the nation. Yes this sucks for us, though if we can pull this off with Lindell's backing (backing all Americans, not just GAW), then there will be no recourse other than a hand counted vote.
IF we get a big swing of MAGA members in congress, then it is much more likely we can get a real discussion about the 2020 fraud & representatives that are willing to go against the deep state.