08/26/22 Judge Tuchi Judgement in Dismissal Order https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.azd.1294569/gov.uscourts.azd.1294569.101.0.pdf
08/26/22 Judge Tuchi Decision in Defendants Motion to Dismiss
05/04/22 Amended Lake / Finchem Injuction for Relief
This is a civil rights action for declaratory and injunctive relief to prohibit the use of electronic voting machines in the State of Arizona in the upcoming 2022 Midterm Election, slated to be held on November 8, 2022 (the “Midterm Election”), unless and until the electronic voting system is made open to the public and subjected to scientific analysis by objective experts to determine whether it is secure from manipulation or intrusion.
Mike Lindell announced dismissal of Lake / Finchem Injunction this evening at 1800 CT, 08/29/22, on The Lindell Report on the https://frankspeech.com/ platform.
My theory has always been this: the Military is the only way, which means that the judicial system did not move fast enough or in the correct direction so as to secure the mid-terms... and therefore very soon we will see Marshall Law to secure the mid-terms via paper ballot count, with soldiers overseeing every ballot deposited, and the secure transport of ballots, and the secure counting of ballots. It is under this structure that the truth of 2020 will flood out into the open (i.e., MSM, because now they will be controlled by White Hats/military, and the justification for the Marshall Law will need to be shared)--and, after the mid-terms, under Marshall Law, is when it will be announced that after further review, Trump will be reinstated.
Any takers?
(Edit: a long time ago I wished we could bet with fake money/chips on this Board... that would have been fun. It would be a way to see who predicted things accurately, and who was wrong. I'm sure I'd be out of chips! Too bad our points can't be the chips... wouldn't that be great? I'd offer 4:1 on this scenario, but probably go bankrupt.)
"Fraud viciates everything." Sidney Powell
"Fraud viciates everything." Jeremiah Black 😉
Considering since 2020 this phrase has become linked with Republicans, it is indeed ironic because it was first uttered by a Democrat in 1877 in defense of the argument that the Electoral Commission should consider post-election actions taken by state legislatures and courts, and "go behind the votes" in order to nullify the certificates of SC, LA and FL, essentially making Democrat Samuel Tilden president.
History... the more you know!
I hope ur right. My red pills have a dark gray tinge to them lately.