Among other reasons, my BS meter finally went off the charts soon as I found out that just a few years earlier, all the ferrets died in the last animal trial test of an mRNA vax and it never got to humans and was scraped
Starting in 2005, they began to formulate a vaccine and tested it in controlled settings on lab animals.
The first, second and third attempt at a vaccine had identical results.
In all 3 controlled trials, ALL OF THE VAXXED ANIMALS DIED. 100%. The term 'Pathogenic Priming' was coined.
They abandoned the vax then. That is why they avoided animal trials for this one. They didn't want to let anyone know the lethality of what they were about to inject the populace with.
The new word for this reduced immunity post-vaccine is now called, 'VAIDS' (Vaccine Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) or 'ADE' (Antibody Dependent Enhancement).
As soon as I read the manufacturers were immune from lawsuits, I said "hell naw"
As soon sd the government started urging everyone to get, I noped right out.
As soon as they started incentivizing the shot, my spidey sense started tingling.
As soon as they started suggesting a vaccine when other cures existed i said "nope nope nope"
Among other reasons, my BS meter finally went off the charts soon as I found out that just a few years earlier, all the ferrets died in the last animal trial test of an mRNA vax and it never got to humans and was scraped
Here's further details:
Starting in 2005, they began to formulate a vaccine and tested it in controlled settings on lab animals.
The first, second and third attempt at a vaccine had identical results.
In all 3 controlled trials, ALL OF THE VAXXED ANIMALS DIED. 100%. The term 'Pathogenic Priming' was coined.
They abandoned the vax then. That is why they avoided animal trials for this one. They didn't want to let anyone know the lethality of what they were about to inject the populace with.
The new word for this reduced immunity post-vaccine is now called, 'VAIDS' (Vaccine Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) or 'ADE' (Antibody Dependent Enhancement).
Wow. Just to clarify, the vaccine you refer to in your post above were attempts to formulate a mRNA "vaccine?"
Immune from lawsuits, still punishable under Rule 308.