I looked it up on Wikipedia and they don't say there is a direct descendency but I don't know the difference between the different Knights Templars...so? My dad was a Knight's Templar but I really didn't know much about it. I don't like these organized men's clubs...especially the secretive ones. Maybe we will learn more about this. Allen West is a pretty intelligent man.
They're not the Knights Templar, i.e. the Poor Knights of the Temple of Solomon. But some 18th century rip-off organization cosplaying as the original Knights Templar. Dunno much about them, they might be some harmless wannabes or they might be some freemasonic garbage.
How sad...I really liked him.
Knights Templar... That's like Freemason shit, right?
I looked it up on Wikipedia and they don't say there is a direct descendency but I don't know the difference between the different Knights Templars...so? My dad was a Knight's Templar but I really didn't know much about it. I don't like these organized men's clubs...especially the secretive ones. Maybe we will learn more about this. Allen West is a pretty intelligent man.
The Templars were the first banks. You could deposit money at a location where you live and withdraw it when you arrived in the holy land.
And they got rich because a large percentage of people didn't survive the journey.
48 hr rule.
Not even trying to hide the mask in his hand.
Vomiting is not a strong enough word.
Put on the full armor of God?
They're not the Knights Templar, i.e. the Poor Knights of the Temple of Solomon. But some 18th century rip-off organization cosplaying as the original Knights Templar. Dunno much about them, they might be some harmless wannabes or they might be some freemasonic garbage.
Sovereign Military Order of the Temple of Jerusalem.
Do they stop at 32 or 33?
Interesting post by AW. Sending a msg?
These dudes are just larping as Templars. Not the original organization.