If I was raised in a different house… different parents.. different input.. I’d like to think I’m Naturally smarter, but…… have friends that might soon be saying the same thing this fella is… breaks my heart but ultimately they’re responsible and not much the rest of us can do.. NO WAY TO GIVE THEM A PROPER REFUND AT THIS POINT ..
Sometimes I hypothesize about alternate paths in life and how things could go differently, like movies Butterfly Effect or Sliding Doors. But when it came to the vaxx, there wasn’t just one small event or piece of information that helped nudge me off the fence towards the right decision, and if I didn’t happen to experience the event or hear that one piece of information then I would’ve made the wrong decision. No, it wasn’t a close call like that. There were about a dozen redundancies that would’ve never let me take the vaxx, starting with the basic logic of choosing the reversible path rather than the irreversible one.
People who got vaxx-duped did so because of personality defects such as snobbery, hypochondria, conformity, innumeracy, illogic, or lack of confidence. Even if you had different parents, different education, etc, but you still didn’t have these personality defects, then you would’ve still made the good, obvious choice.
Interesting. Parents unjabbed, have 3 children. 2 of the 3 are unjabbed, but the one child who is jabbed is a raging liberal and certifiable narcissist. Personality definitely has more to do with it!
My brothers and I were raised in the same Household. We have had the same parents.
Yet, when it comes to the vaxx issue, we could not have made a more different decision. They are vaxxed, I am not.
It has nothing to do with family. It has to do with grit. Even if you do know nothing about the jabb, or the hoax itself, it should be obvious that making your own decisions is of paramount importance. A lot of people missed that part.
The questions and answers come from there.
They wanted us to buy their shit. Why should I?
**A simple risk analysis would reveal the truth of the matter. **
**I am amazed at the fact that not one risk-manager has come out to calculate the RPN on the whole covid-scam. RPN is a Risk Priority Number. My risk assessment is this:
The PRN number: 20 out of 1000, where a 1000 is something like Armageddon, the Noah' s flood, Ragnarok and the funeral service of Queen Elisabeth happening at the same time, and 20 is like, well, an area of concern but low impact. **
WTF do you need a vaxx for? And especially, an experimental vaxx?
Grit, based on a valuation of essential rights is what is missing.
Most of the ones I know are still completely oblivious to any problems. Thankfully. I pray they stay fine. But just went to a funeral today of a sweet lady who had to go to the hospital last summer (2021), they gave her a vaccine since everyone was required to have it, and she had cancer. Well her cancer got treated, but came back quickly.
If I was raised in a different house… different parents.. different input.. I’d like to think I’m Naturally smarter, but…… have friends that might soon be saying the same thing this fella is… breaks my heart but ultimately they’re responsible and not much the rest of us can do.. NO WAY TO GIVE THEM A PROPER REFUND AT THIS POINT ..
Sometimes I hypothesize about alternate paths in life and how things could go differently, like movies Butterfly Effect or Sliding Doors. But when it came to the vaxx, there wasn’t just one small event or piece of information that helped nudge me off the fence towards the right decision, and if I didn’t happen to experience the event or hear that one piece of information then I would’ve made the wrong decision. No, it wasn’t a close call like that. There were about a dozen redundancies that would’ve never let me take the vaxx, starting with the basic logic of choosing the reversible path rather than the irreversible one.
People who got vaxx-duped did so because of personality defects such as snobbery, hypochondria, conformity, innumeracy, illogic, or lack of confidence. Even if you had different parents, different education, etc, but you still didn’t have these personality defects, then you would’ve still made the good, obvious choice.
The difference between jabbed and unjabbed is not intelligence, at least not entirely. Personality factors played and continue to play a huge role.
They also all watch TV and believe all the propaganda.
Gullibility is a defect
Interesting. Parents unjabbed, have 3 children. 2 of the 3 are unjabbed, but the one child who is jabbed is a raging liberal and certifiable narcissist. Personality definitely has more to do with it!
Yeah, a pharmaceutical shortcut to social status is appealing to a certain type!
just a proper burial.
My brothers and I were raised in the same Household. We have had the same parents.
Yet, when it comes to the vaxx issue, we could not have made a more different decision. They are vaxxed, I am not.
It has nothing to do with family. It has to do with grit. Even if you do know nothing about the jabb, or the hoax itself, it should be obvious that making your own decisions is of paramount importance. A lot of people missed that part.
The questions and answers come from there.
They wanted us to buy their shit. Why should I?
**A simple risk analysis would reveal the truth of the matter. **
**I am amazed at the fact that not one risk-manager has come out to calculate the RPN on the whole covid-scam. RPN is a Risk Priority Number. My risk assessment is this:
The PRN number: 20 out of 1000, where a 1000 is something like Armageddon, the Noah' s flood, Ragnarok and the funeral service of Queen Elisabeth happening at the same time, and 20 is like, well, an area of concern but low impact. **
WTF do you need a vaxx for? And especially, an experimental vaxx?
Grit, based on a valuation of essential rights is what is missing.
Most of the ones I know are still completely oblivious to any problems. Thankfully. I pray they stay fine. But just went to a funeral today of a sweet lady who had to go to the hospital last summer (2021), they gave her a vaccine since everyone was required to have it, and she had cancer. Well her cancer got treated, but came back quickly.