Those nasal swab tests had some weird nano technology in them. Saw some magnified imagery of the tip of one of those things early on in the pandemic and decided I would die before jamming whatever the hell that was into my blood brain barrier.
Right?! I thought the whole nasal swab thing—sticking it way up in your nose while you wait in a long line of cars was just peak clown show. It was a long two years—first with the Covid fear, then with the vax. I am still pissed off with some people about it. They were such jerks. Yeah, I know they were brainwashed, but it just showed me who I could trust and who to avoid when the SHTF.
Sad but true. I walked away from a 25 year relationship with my karate club, as literally the one unvaxxed, hiding my “dirty little secret “ so the rest of the crew doesn’t have to go back to training in masks for several months before I had enough. Had enough of them talking crap about the unvaxxed dummies in front of me. Just said “I’m out” a few months ago and finally about a week ago told my 2 best friends there. Inspired by the newest awaken with JP video. They actually understand and want to get a beer with me.
So yeah it opened my eyes too. But make sure the government isn’t ruining your good relationships too! That’s how we lose
They used the same method on slaves in egypt to destroy the immune system and keep the slaves more dossile, it also crosses the blood brain barier and wrecks the pineal glad imo. Desecrating Gods connection Is always at heart.
Those nasal swab tests had some weird nano technology in them. Saw some magnified imagery of the tip of one of those things early on in the pandemic and decided I would die before jamming whatever the hell that was into my blood brain barrier.
Right?! I thought the whole nasal swab thing—sticking it way up in your nose while you wait in a long line of cars was just peak clown show. It was a long two years—first with the Covid fear, then with the vax. I am still pissed off with some people about it. They were such jerks. Yeah, I know they were brainwashed, but it just showed me who I could trust and who to avoid when the SHTF.
Sad but true. I walked away from a 25 year relationship with my karate club, as literally the one unvaxxed, hiding my “dirty little secret “ so the rest of the crew doesn’t have to go back to training in masks for several months before I had enough. Had enough of them talking crap about the unvaxxed dummies in front of me. Just said “I’m out” a few months ago and finally about a week ago told my 2 best friends there. Inspired by the newest awaken with JP video. They actually understand and want to get a beer with me.
So yeah it opened my eyes too. But make sure the government isn’t ruining your good relationships too! That’s how we lose
A relationship that can't survive this was a bad one
Jp video?
Awaken with JP on YouTube.
Awaken with JP, like 2 weeks ago a video about how “baffled” drs are
They used the same method on slaves in egypt to destroy the immune system and keep the slaves more dossile, it also crosses the blood brain barier and wrecks the pineal glad imo. Desecrating Gods connection Is always at heart.
All this to find a highly infectious virus that is EVERYWHERE, right?
A UK anon posted pics here of the testing kit he was given. Lots of sharp little spikes.