I'm thinking the seminaries were infiltrated and the kids were molested to create all this sexual retardation. Catholic priests and baptist preachers thus far. I've surveyed gays for 40 years and every one of them was molested before adulthood. Every.Single.One.
It is well known that intelligence services used to honeypot and blackmail homosexuals and pedophiles when society was less forgiving of homosexuality.
Many of these operatives likely climbed the ranks and eventually conspired to normalize and defend their degenerate lifestyles.
Could this be an unintended consequence of blackmail recruitment, and the reason our intelligence services seem to be run by perverts and pedos today?
I'd like to emphasize the act of "voluntarily blackmailing yourself to get ahead". Essentially, wannabe stars (in any industry), are puppets looking to get strings.
Strings that'll get them in the pocket of a rich puppeteer (Al-Waleed, Soros, Rothschild are the common picks) and cause them to skyrocket.
From my understanding, those born from rich Comms Aware families tend to have less horrific blackmail strings. It is speculated that Trump's "Grab them by the p****" tape was voluntarily handed to Clowns by Trump as an insurance policy/guarantee of good Media Coverage from 2005 onward.
They still operate and hire that way. For control.
It is not just Intel agencies it is every institution. EPA, CPS on and on.
Sports? Jerry Sandusky? Hollywood?
Control of money, sociopolicy and policy.
Don't forget these guys!! Philby et al.
I'm thinking the seminaries were infiltrated and the kids were molested to create all this sexual retardation. Catholic priests and baptist preachers thus far. I've surveyed gays for 40 years and every one of them was molested before adulthood. Every.Single.One.
It is well known that intelligence services used to honeypot and blackmail homosexuals and pedophiles when society was less forgiving of homosexuality.
Many of these operatives likely climbed the ranks and eventually conspired to normalize and defend their degenerate lifestyles.
Could this be an unintended consequence of blackmail recruitment, and the reason our intelligence services seem to be run by perverts and pedos today?
I'd like to emphasize the act of "voluntarily blackmailing yourself to get ahead". Essentially, wannabe stars (in any industry), are puppets looking to get strings.
Strings that'll get them in the pocket of a rich puppeteer (Al-Waleed, Soros, Rothschild are the common picks) and cause them to skyrocket.
From my understanding, those born from rich Comms Aware families tend to have less horrific blackmail strings. It is speculated that Trump's "Grab them by the p****" tape was voluntarily handed to Clowns by Trump as an insurance policy/guarantee of good Media Coverage from 2005 onward.
In a strange way, the cabal needs alternate sexual lifestyles to remain 'taboo' in order to use it as a 'handle' if you get the gist.
The nazis outlawed homosexuality while many in the top positions (pun intended) were gay. The gay psychology has little loyalty for the status quo.
This can be used to change it.
As a bonus, it manifest as destructive force that can be directed while seen as 'victim'. A Hegelian's wet dream. So to speak.
Are you familiar with the 'two in a casket' ceremony of the Skull n' Bones club?
I don't know who the intel services recruit these days, or if the chiefs are all shirt lifters. it would make sense if they were tho.
Mountbatten and Laurens Van der Post were both great influences on Charlie Windsor, and both have been outed as homosexuals.
Are the liberal hive mind behind our childrens indoctrination? Or simply, does a Bear shit in the woods?
There's also this strategy:
If you want to hire someone who has no conscience, who will do anything, then you're looking at a psychopath.
You can only control a psychopath through blackmail. Or murder. They must fear death or imprisonment.