Hell you can't even get the name right sooooo......
But anyways Revelation (with no "s") was about the destruction of Jerusalem in 70AD by Rome within the same generation of Jesus being crucified EXACTLY like Jesus said would happen. "This generation shall not pass till all these things take place"
Where are we now? "Sit at my right hand while I make all your enemies your footstool" God the Father to Jesus (That verse appears more times in scripture than any other) "God wins" isn't just a Q slogan, it's the theme of the entire Bible.
I agree with Datasinc. The plain reading of Revelation lends itself well to the 70 AD destruction of Jerusalem with complete correspondence of every single detail. An excellent resource on this is Gary DeMar at American Vision, book Last Days Madness. Another good book, When the Man Comes Around by Douglas Wilson. We can read what is there, or we can add imagination to it. It is important to differentiate.
In the end, does it really matter specifically which generation Revelation is talking about? The Bible repeats. The atonement for a Blessed Nation descending into decadence will ALWAYS have to be paid just the same, and with a heavy price.
And I do not think it could just mean a very large number. The verse is "The army had 200 million soldiers on horses. I heard them say how many there were."
Perhaps parts of Revelation correspond directly to what happened in 70 AD but, that passage is not even from Revelation, it is in the Gospels just after a long list of events Jesus lists that will happen before "these things" take place. And, those events never happened in the first century.
Yes, it's because eschatology and theology do matter so much that I hold to a biblical, pre-millennial, dispensational position. It's the position that's most consistent with the totality of scripture.
Russia is telling us that they are going to turn the US into radioactive glass and all everyone on here does is argue about the correct biblical truths and interpretations.
You will still be arguing when hell fire drops from the sky won't you?
Been searching for forty years when God led me to that site. Ten years later , still amazed at all the layers and gems embedded in every book.
God uses everyone, your choice if it is for good or evil, but God uses everyone.
We were all there for the rebellion of Lucifer and 1/3 of us chose Lucifer.
Lucifer/Satan was the only one sentenced to death , but God has a plan for our salvation. We were all sent to be born and die.
We are all here in these animal bodies to understand what death is all about.
Some are saved ( by the grace of God ) and will be teachers during the millennium. We have been lied to about everything. It will take 1000 years to teach the truths of God . Then the final exam , when satan is released from his chains to test what we learned.
Sadly many will choose death. But it will be their choice.
Some of the expectations of many ( nesara and gesara ) is what Lucifer/Satan/Fake Jesus will bring to the world after being thrown from heaven.
He will bring peace and abundance for all who bend a knee to him. He will look and act exactly like Jesus would. Satan's only desire is to ruin God's plan anyway he can.
He has tried in the Garden of Eden, the time before Noah's flood, at Calvary and each and everyday in our own lives.
Don't be fooled by the first supernatural being coming down to earth. If you don't understand this before it happens and have the seal of God in your forehead, God will send a strong delusion and you will think Satan is Jesus and will try to convince me .
Nope, not gonna happen. I will wait the five months till real Jesus returns.
Exciting times ahead. After seeing how easily people fell for the covid lie, I now see how truly gullible people are and will jump at worshiping fake Jesus.
If you reject God then nothing ultimately matters. You are just matter floating through space acted upon by time and chance, signifying nothing. Who cares?
The Biblical worldview is the foundation for objective truth, morals and everything else and it says the world will never be destroyed and for those of us in Christ we know that God is sovereign over everything and God wins... just like Q has said a number of times.
If fire drops from the sky I know there's nothing I can do about it but also where I'm gong won't be hotter. How about you? I'll keep focusing on God and His Word and how I can use His worldview and standards to impact the world as commanded. You can live in fear of everything EXCEPT that which you are SHOULD fear, God.
People quoting Revelations like this just prove they don't understand it
Hell you can't even get the name right sooooo......
But anyways Revelation (with no "s") was about the destruction of Jerusalem in 70AD by Rome within the same generation of Jesus being crucified EXACTLY like Jesus said would happen. "This generation shall not pass till all these things take place"
Where are we now? "Sit at my right hand while I make all your enemies your footstool" God the Father to Jesus (That verse appears more times in scripture than any other) "God wins" isn't just a Q slogan, it's the theme of the entire Bible.
Here's a playlist of sermons, discussions and debates on the subject that I suggest everyone checks out because Theology matters. Eschatology matters. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLm4vxYfDpoYaWjqK76eZukIyKtyX5Xa-J
Sorry, this is false. The context of that passage makes it clear that it's referring to a future generation, not the current generation.
I agree with Datasinc. The plain reading of Revelation lends itself well to the 70 AD destruction of Jerusalem with complete correspondence of every single detail. An excellent resource on this is Gary DeMar at American Vision, book Last Days Madness. Another good book, When the Man Comes Around by Douglas Wilson. We can read what is there, or we can add imagination to it. It is important to differentiate.
In the end, does it really matter specifically which generation Revelation is talking about? The Bible repeats. The atonement for a Blessed Nation descending into decadence will ALWAYS have to be paid just the same, and with a heavy price.
America won't escape this
Here's a playlist of sermons, discussions and debates on the subject. Theology matters. Eschatology matters. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLm4vxYfDpoYaWjqK76eZukIyKtyX5Xa-J
Who fielded a 200 million man army in AD 70?
And I do not think it could just mean a very large number. The verse is "The army had 200 million soldiers on horses. I heard them say how many there were."
Perhaps parts of Revelation correspond directly to what happened in 70 AD but, that passage is not even from Revelation, it is in the Gospels just after a long list of events Jesus lists that will happen before "these things" take place. And, those events never happened in the first century.
If Revelation leads to AD70 then the Millennial Reign of Christ on the earth followed - per Revelation 19, and this is followed by Eternity.
Thus AD 70 - AD 1070 Christ reigned her on earth - No!
and the situation we are in is Eternity - No!
So you've been taught but that's not what holds up when we look at the entirety of scripture.
Pre-millennial dispensationalism is the greatest lie the devil ever told and has done more damage to the church than anything else.
Here's a playlist of sermons, discussions and debates on the subject that I suggest you check out because Theology matters. Eschatology matters. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLm4vxYfDpoYaWjqK76eZukIyKtyX5Xa-J
Yes, it's because eschatology and theology do matter so much that I hold to a biblical, pre-millennial, dispensational position. It's the position that's most consistent with the totality of scripture.
Eh, I had a Bible that titled it "The Revelations of John" or something to that effect, guess it just stuck
No worries, just a weird pet peeve I have that bugs the crap outta me for some reason.
As long as you understand the book better than you remember the name you're gold! The guy that made that webpage deff does not.
Don't confuse the Book of Matthew with the Book of Revelation.
The destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD was indeed a fulfillment of the 490 year prophecy laid out in Daniel.
Dispensationalism is indeed a false doctrine, but the Book of Revelation most definitely goes beyond 70 AD.
Oh I'm not. I just have a clear understanding of the symbolism in Revelation.
i.e. 7 headed, 7 horned beast = Rome had 7 hills / territories with 7 governors.
666 = Nero Cesar written in Hebrew since Hebrew letters also have numerical values.
And on and on.
Post-Mill all the way!
Christ could have returned 10 minutes after he left. Nothing has to happen first otherwise one could figure out the time.
He came on the clouds in judgment and destroyed Jerusalem already.
When Christ returns again that's in, it's a wrap. Game Over.
This is the worst thread ever.
Russia is telling us that they are going to turn the US into radioactive glass and all everyone on here does is argue about the correct biblical truths and interpretations.
You will still be arguing when hell fire drops from the sky won't you?
They will try, but God intervenes and destroys the missile attack. Saving the children of "Israel".
What is that site you pointed to? You know what is said, be very careful who you follow. No one knows the plans of God, not even that site.
Been searching for forty years when God led me to that site. Ten years later , still amazed at all the layers and gems embedded in every book.
God uses everyone, your choice if it is for good or evil, but God uses everyone.
We were all there for the rebellion of Lucifer and 1/3 of us chose Lucifer. Lucifer/Satan was the only one sentenced to death , but God has a plan for our salvation. We were all sent to be born and die.
We are all here in these animal bodies to understand what death is all about.
Some are saved ( by the grace of God ) and will be teachers during the millennium. We have been lied to about everything. It will take 1000 years to teach the truths of God . Then the final exam , when satan is released from his chains to test what we learned.
Sadly many will choose death. But it will be their choice.
Some of the expectations of many ( nesara and gesara ) is what Lucifer/Satan/Fake Jesus will bring to the world after being thrown from heaven.
He will bring peace and abundance for all who bend a knee to him. He will look and act exactly like Jesus would. Satan's only desire is to ruin God's plan anyway he can.
He has tried in the Garden of Eden, the time before Noah's flood, at Calvary and each and everyday in our own lives.
Don't be fooled by the first supernatural being coming down to earth. If you don't understand this before it happens and have the seal of God in your forehead, God will send a strong delusion and you will think Satan is Jesus and will try to convince me .
Nope, not gonna happen. I will wait the five months till real Jesus returns.
Exciting times ahead. After seeing how easily people fell for the covid lie, I now see how truly gullible people are and will jump at worshiping fake Jesus.
Ever heard of Kayfabe?
If you reject God then nothing ultimately matters. You are just matter floating through space acted upon by time and chance, signifying nothing. Who cares?
The Biblical worldview is the foundation for objective truth, morals and everything else and it says the world will never be destroyed and for those of us in Christ we know that God is sovereign over everything and God wins... just like Q has said a number of times.
If fire drops from the sky I know there's nothing I can do about it but also where I'm gong won't be hotter. How about you? I'll keep focusing on God and His Word and how I can use His worldview and standards to impact the world as commanded. You can live in fear of everything EXCEPT that which you are SHOULD fear, God.
I have not rejected God and never will.
Then why be fearful as if it isn't all in Gods hands?