Some will listen to their financial adviser till the day it all crashes. Some just can't imagine a world where this could happen but the writing is on the wall. There is no stopping this now and most importantly, it must happen. Essentially, we're going to let the Democrats in DC initiate the collapse under the guise of a gimped salvaging of the Great Reset. Then we will 'hijack' it and rebuild a better world they destroyed. They will take the blame for a world they tainted and destroyed and give us the impetus and opportunity we need to fix this mess.
If anyone is hoping the midterms will save this they're still in a coma. Nothing can stop what is coming. For anyone that's truly studied Q, do you really think it's just gonna be a soft reset and then we get back to work? No. As Q told us multiple times. Things are far worse than most can imagine. Half measures will not suffice. Another broken election will not suffice. Drastic times call for drastic measures and this is exactly why it's happening like this.
It's why we allowed them to steal it. Trumps job wasn't to save the current system. He told you in 2016 in his most famous speech. A speech Q posted multiple times. ' This movement is about REPLACING a failed and corrupt system. Not fix it. Replace it. Now consider how pervasive the deep state truly is and realize what is required to replace that.
A collapse of biblical proportions is the only way. Trump, with the guidance of advanced US military planning, thwarted the initial launch of the Great Reset then spent the rest of his term preparing the nation for this. The replacement.
When your enemy is making a mistake you don't interrupt them. The Deep state, in their desperation to regain control, stole an election but in doing so they sealed their fate. Trump's true work was setting the trap of the century which they fell easy prey to. These people are stupid. They made the mistake of underestimating the greatest military in history. A military that has been fighting these same dark families since it's conception.
So now we approach the final hour before the plunge. Dark times lie ahead but they are essential. Critical for this nations survival and humanities future. Much like chemo, this world has suffered from a malignancy for centuries and it must be eradicated. It will bring us to the brink but in doing so, it will unite us and give us the driving force needed to do what must be done.
Do not despair. True hardship is coming but it is exponentially better than the dark age they had planned for mankind. We will survive and together, we will herald a Renaissance that will lift man to the stars and beyond. The best is truly yet to come. Prepare accordingly. These are not the end times. This is just the beginning.
Sooo, those people who didn't stockpile silver and gold, will lose everything and eat bugs? And be happy, of course.
No fiat currency survives. They all fail. The USD is already dead. Sheer confidence in it is the only thing delaying the inevitable. Nothing can stop this.
Well, with no civil society, what we will have is the law of the jungle where those who are physically stronger or who are willing to kill for food will be the rulers in this new utopia. So we'll eventually end up in the Middle Ages or some other dystopian hell, just with different actors at the top.
It won't devolve into the law of the jungle just as it didn't in the last depression. People are kidding themselves however if they think a depression isn't coming.
I have a sneaking suspicion that large democrat run cities are going to devolve into violence and anarchy, at least for a while. The rest of the country will face hardship until the real replacement is in place, but nothing on the scale of what those cities will face. The democrat cities are already cesspools of violence and inhumanity. Wait until the freebies stop coming and the dregs of humanity overrun their slave plantations. The food, water and electricity go out and it will be like Thunderdome.
We still had the dollar and we didn't have the internet and the church was the hub of communities. We had police and laws. With no currency, it's only about survival. It won't be the 1930's; it will be mad max.
The problem with this currency is it is controlled by a private group, not by we the people (or even our corrupt government). Watch The Money Masters by Bill Still and you will see why fiat currency is actually the solution.
If Bill Still had known of a block chain QFS, wouldn't he have endorsed it?
Why? Again, the problem is who OWNS the currency. The currency we have is a debt to a certain group when we should have a currency that is a debt to ourselves. A blockchain isn't even necessary for that because, as you can see, a blockchain isn't even necessary for our current currency to be a debt to the money masters.
A blockchain is useful for preventing counterfeiting, but that's it. A blockchain is a permanent record of your transactions that can be seen by the entire public, except possibly in the case of Monero. What reason is there other than convenience why we should replace physical money with this?
Another thing to consider is the effort of Big Tech to lock down computer hardware to operating systems that they approve of. If people became even more reliant on computers than they already are such lockdowns will become easier.