12 CA DemonRATS will not debate in any race for statewide office. (www.breitbart.com) posted 2 years ago by BerlinWallCrosser 2 years ago by BerlinWallCrosser +12 / -0 California Democrats Won't Debate in Any Race for Statewide Office They claim to be "defending democracy," but not one of the statewide Democratic Party candidates in California has agreed to debate. 6 comments share 6 comments share save hide report block hide replies
They don't have to debate. Dominion machines are used throughout the state. You'll see a lot of 49% to 51% wins.
Sadly, this is most likely the truth. I will still vote here in CA on Election Day, but I'm not overly confident a larger turnout can override the Democrat cheating system.
Still, All Things are Possible with God...and a determined, awakened public.
Came here to say exactly that. Why debate when you know you could win.
It's the Bidet model. Can't "mess" with success!!