412 Guess what time the Queen was lowered?... 4:49pm London Time... Exactly what I was pointing to earlier....😉😎 (media.greatawakening.win) Cabal=History posted 2 years ago by purkiss80 2 years ago by purkiss80 +413 / -1 182 comments download share 182 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
Just illustrating...
"Worth remembering" for 3 yrs, 2 months, 1 day
That seems to be the count downward- 3..2..1.. to today. (countdown- often to a trigger event)
Then today, the gun carriage at the funeral was 123 years old. 1..2..3 (count up, indicates new start/beginning)
98 (9 + 8=17) guards accompanied the coffin.
Lots going on...
Didnt someone blow up that reflection before?
Still gives me happy chills!