If any of us lives nearby it might be good to go and record what people are dressed, etc, so when this comes up as a “school shooting” scene there would be a video to compare with.
Hey, the cabal may try a "nursing home mass shooting" this time around. They've kinda overdone the school shooting scene and may be cooking up a different target for once. Besides, they want old people d-e-a-d (e.g., COVID nursing home killing fields) more so than kids and a nursing home bloodbath would have the same heart-string-tug effect as a school (a.k.a. 'helpless victims'). For these psychos, hitting a nursing home would be like getting a 2-fer.
Most likely scenario is that pictures and videos are taken and used in something completely unrelated.
If any of us lives nearby it might be good to go and record what people are dressed, etc, so when this comes up as a “school shooting” scene there would be a video to compare with.
Better yet, infiltrate as an actor and report back!
Yes, or both!
This is a great idea. Infiltrate the infiltrators
Grass roots is the most powerful tool in the world.
Hey, the cabal may try a "nursing home mass shooting" this time around. They've kinda overdone the school shooting scene and may be cooking up a different target for once. Besides, they want old people d-e-a-d (e.g., COVID nursing home killing fields) more so than kids and a nursing home bloodbath would have the same heart-string-tug effect as a school (a.k.a. 'helpless victims'). For these psychos, hitting a nursing home would be like getting a 2-fer.
We know the playbook