"A Politically Motivated Attack" - Say His Name... 18-Year-Old Cayler Ellingson Murdered by Angry Democrat Two Weeks After Joe B...
Cayler Ellingson On Sunday evening, 18-year-old Cayler Ellingson, a young conservative, was struck and killed by an SUV driven by 41-year-old Shannon Brandt in a politically motivated murder in North Dakota. Brandt chased young Cayler Ellingson through the...
Dear Lord, prayers for his family and friends.
Justice for Cayler Ellingson's murder.
If Trump had made a speech like Biden's and an R slew a D shortly after it, the MSM and pols would all be putting the blame on Trump. In fact, they'd be on him like ducks on a June bug. However, I imagine that for Biden all we'll hear is crickets.
Could be smoke and mirrors to lull republicans into a war with idiotic democrat groups. Vice versa. I’m not biting…
Information warfare/psyop.
Conceal carry, protect yourselves.
Great perspective fren.
This is what they want. Evil bastards.
He doesn’t even look like a real person. Looks like every kid in my yearbook mashed together
This other article by TGP explains better what happened.
Thank you u/stevethefish76 👈🏻
This was obviously a hate crime if ever there was one. A previous dui will up the vehicular manslaughter charge to a possible ten years. I hope his people have some very expensive lawyers.
Use this to counter the recent media attacks where they “Qanon is violent because somebody murdered somebody”…. As if Biden supporters and Democrats never murder?
Their entire platform is built on violence!
Okay, I’m not surprised or doubting.
But where in that article does it once show or prove he was ran over for being a republican.
Even the tiniest shred of details to corroborate would be helpful,
All I saw was “he was rain over for being republican.”
u/stevethefish76 provided another link above that describes more detail.
Apparently, the assailant himself called 911 and said he hit someone that was part of a "Republican extremist group."
Sounds like the guy was chasing the young man around the city with his vehicle. The man had called his mom saying he was being chased.
Who the fuck calls the cops on themselves after running somebody over and states, “ he was part of a Republican extremist group." HERP DERP.
Gimme a break. Just another hit piece made to make republicans look band and stir up hate amongst different parties.
I share your concern. We need to refrain from taking any bait.
Interestingly, I had a coffee meeting today and we started talking politics. The liberal commie next to us, some old man reading his high minded book next to us, was visibly shaking and convulsing as he was eavesdropping upon us.
To say he was unstable was an understatement. It took almost nothing to set him off. We are living next to powder kegs all around us.
We, here, have the benefit of knowing things that normies don't. It's a blessing to know and a curse to have to wait.
There are those around us that know something is wrong, but have no idea what. They are tinder and a spark is all they need to combust.
Whether the story in this post is true or not, whether the story is meant to encourage conflict or not, doesn't really matter.
What matters is we have very unstable people in our world right now. Anything can set someone off. Depending on who you are and who is around you, it's best to be prepared for anything.
Situational awareness is very important for all of us. Be alert. Be prepared.
I second that.
He was talking about the kid he ran over. He said the kid was in a Republican extremist group.
I think the moonbat was hoping to be congratulated or something. He's obviously very mentally unstable. These people have parked their minds in a surreal, quixotic plane of existance where cow farts cause tornadoes and LITERAL NAZIS are waiting around every corner. I wouldn't doubt that this incident is true.
Yeah, I had started to post about what a half-assed article it is, without providing any substance. Then I saw that it references a previous article, so I shared it here. Breitbart also reported this weird story.
I have wondered for a while if this is one way feds recruit guys like Brandt?
Pray for the family guys. They need love.