64 Water Propaganda My Red State of MO Advertises... Sad! (media.greatawakening.win) posted 2 years ago by TheYellowstone 2 years ago by TheYellowstone +64 / -0 19 comments download share 19 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
"Safe and effective" where have we heard those words before?
Needs a class action lawsuit for knowingly poisoning people. Fluoride is classified in the academic literature as a developmental neurotoxin
Terribly sad.
My rural ass county has kids HPV vax billboards. Makes me wanna puke!
Yeah, publicly considered. KY
Very red county. We only have a few pure blue places such as Louisville or Lexington.
OMG that shit is outright poison
They wouldn’t want us dead if we weren’t a threat.
I feel awful watering my plants with this crap..
Water is good, obviously. You just need the RIGHT water.
Or in this case, the right filter.
Shows picture of drinking glass. SMH 🤔 They get better karma if they tell the "truth" and we do something stupid after reading it.
Just add fluoride to soda. The rest of us don't need it.
This is true. It probably cuts your life span 20-40% so in a round about way——
DEQ trains operators that it is used to prevent tooth decay in children.
So, why TF do we not just supplement the kids, instead of blanketing the whole pop with it?
I'm glad it is a choice of the plant super, in my area
They pushed CV Vax hard too on billboards and commercials.
Does anyone know anything about bottled water? Is it fluoridated? Or rather is it just bottled fluoridated water?
I always assumed it didn't, but I may have assumed wrong.
I'm sure it depends on the source