We make a lot of excuses for people who are still moving with the program. Rationalizing their behavior with things like "I once was one of them" or "They're too scared to face the truth".
But were you like one of them? Are they really scared to face the truth?
I think the vast majority who are still sleeping are incapable of seeing it.
Many, if not all of the major religions around the world speak of "the chosen" repeatedly in their scriptures.
This is something I think may have been lost in translation through out the centuries. It's always been described as people who believe and remain steadfast. But is that really what it means?
I know religious folk (Christians, Muslims, Sikhs etc) who just do what they are told by their particular church/mosque/temple etc. No real critical thinking, repeat actions only out pure fear or habit.
Ask them about covid, the deep state, mass manipulation, false flags, weather manipulation, royal families, banking schemes, demonic possession or whatever else and they will look at you with blank eyes or just immediately dismiss everything you say.
I truly don't believe the majority is capable of seeing "it" nor will they ever.
They can be molded into behaving against a particular system but they can never truly think for themselves. Lots of people on this very site are like that. They were all in to the system prior to Q and then went all into Q after and now fervently defend it just as normies defend government. Not that Q and government are synonymous, but rather the behavior in both followers is similar.
One of the largest ever NPC gatherings just occurred in the 18 hour long line ups for the queen of babylons funeral. They stood there like bots on a line for 18 hours just to nod or wave like an idiot at a billionaires rotten corpse after paying for the rotten corpses funeral themselves during a recession lol.
"The Chosen" could mean anything. I'm not convinced we understand what it means but it sure as hell ain't some religious NPC.
Wanna test if you're an NPC?
Come up with a Parable.
Jesus spoke in Parables. He came up with them on the spot, not just reciting them from memory.
If you cannot form metaphors, analogies, or parables; if you cannot think abstractly, then you are likely an NPC.
If you can think abstractly and talk as though you see the relationship between all things in a Divine language of sacred spiritual geometry, then you are one of the "Chosen."
One of those with a Tongue of Flame above your head -- those who speak to all men in their native language, as it is a language of the Spirit; of Nature.
That's actually a pretty solid smell test right there.
I should also probably include memes in that list.
Memes absolutely require abstract thought -- bridging metaphor and contrasting/comparing higher concepts represented in pictorial forms.
That's why the Left can't meme. They have no capacity for abstract thought. That, or they do have the capacity but if they activate those brain cells it would cause them to self-destruct from the stupidity they've been forcing their bodies to contain.
Come to think of it, their lack of abstract thought is why a lot of modern art is hot garbage too
Parable of the Three Workers:
There once was a Master of an estate. He had work in the field to do, so he hired three workers to tend his gardens.
To the three workers he gave white, clean linen tunics to work in so that he may see them off at a distance working in the field.
After a day of work, the three came to the Master for their daily rations and lodging.
The first worker among them had soiled his tunic in dirt and sweat, caring not for how dirty he got in the field, smelling heavily of sweat. The tunic, further, was beaten and ragged which required a tailor to patch it back up.
The second worker among them had a perfectly clean tunic, stark and as white as the when he began.
The third worker among them had a stained tunic, still clean and white except for at the joints, where the stains of sweat left them yellowed.
Which of the three did the Master cast into the night, stripped of their tunic?
--Read Further if for the answer--
The Master cast into the night the second worker.
Why? Because...
The first worker had done work, but he did not take care of that which the Master gave him. The Master saw him in the morning, and saw that he was working, but by noon his tunic was as brown as the soil he worked, and the Master could see him no longer. He must now repair and painstakingly clean the tunic of the first worker. Though, because he was working hard, his wages will be cut for the damage done to the tunic, but he will not be let go.
The second worker had not done work. Whether it was because he was too afraid of soiling that which the Master gave him, or because he was lazy and conceited. Either way, the Master saw him in the white robe off in the distance clearly, and knew he did not put forth any effort in his daily tasks. For this reason, he is to be cast out. The first worker at least had done his work, though produced more work to be done at night, as his tunic had to be repaired. The work of the second worker, however, is still undone, and now the other two must take it up on the next day.
The third worker, however, is the most exalted among them. For, he did the work he was assigned, as seen by the sweat stains upon his tunic. This is further confirmed because the Master saw him working all day. He managed to go through the belly of the earth and come out clean on the other side, only stained by the sweat of man, a necessary toil for which the tunic was designed. It will be cleaned easily, and the third worker will resume his work tomorrow, wages intact. He is most worthy of the Master's graces, because he did all that was asked of him in addition to putting forth the effort to keep his Master's property clean and untattered.
The moral of the parable is this:
Those who do what they are told but take no care of the tools and gifts they were given will be asked to clean themselves and be repaired in the fires of Purgatory.
Those who don't do what they are told yet take care of the tools and gifts given to them cannot be saved, because they have proven themselves either too lazy or vain. God has no use for a worker who does no work, and so they will be cast out into the night.
Those who do the work yet also take care of the tools and gifts given to them are the most exalted, as they have gone above and beyond what was asked of them yet also took on more work in keeping themselves clean of sin and temptation.
This Parable I have written myself. You may search for it online as you please, you will not find another like it.
Yet the message holds true. God has given us our bodies and our talents to do HIS WORK. Those who fall to sin yet still do His work are saved, but must endure a cleansing and repair. Those who do no work are greater disappointments than the sinner, for at least the sinner has his completed work to speak for him. Those who do their work and stay clean are those who have taken the hardest route -- and will be rewarded justly.
If you can craft a Parable of the like, then you see as God sees -- a world of relationships and symbols. The tunic itself is a symbol for our Mortal Shell. HOW and WHY we treat it determines whether we get cast out into the night.
So... That's about it. Thanks for reading, and I hope I've helped you find out whether or not you're an NPC.
SleepyDude, let me be the first to congratulate you on passing your turing test.