Ironically enough, I've argued with fundamentalists who say this is a bad thing cause "muh white babies" and I'm like... Are you sure you want THOSE white babies reproducing? Because if the choice is reproducing white liberals or the extinction of the "white race" well uh... I'm leaning more towards extinction...
Why not a Prius though?
I doubt that little Soy Boy has enough in his holster to procreate with. Very bad pun intended.
I bet he has more sperm in him than a Mormon with 15 kids. Too bad it all just happened to be in his mouth.
"In his ass" was also an acceptable answer
Sometimes wont, means cant.
FYI: Porsche is the name of his favorite transvestite stripper at the gay bar.
Isn't soyboy here the soyboy that put on an arm band and got real close like to doing the nazi salute?
If so - it would explain the Porsche...
He and Thunberg should be forced to marry. The result would be an exponential level of laughs for us.
Please think about the kids...
Not a tough decision for a gay male.
To put it another way Hogg was simply saying, "I can't get any."
David Hogg is queer.
I learn something new everyday!
Lmao. U gonna get the electric porche?
Does that mean he's gonna get the snip? Or more?
Tango Yankee on the idiot with no brain!!!!!!!
NOW...who is going to find out where he gets his money? ANYONE????
Well, he's a fag... So...
shut the fuck up adam lanza. I value my guns over YOUR life pussy boi!
Ironically enough, I've argued with fundamentalists who say this is a bad thing cause "muh white babies" and I'm like... Are you sure you want THOSE white babies reproducing? Because if the choice is reproducing white liberals or the extinction of the "white race" well uh... I'm leaning more towards extinction...
But they are also the ones getting abortions, and almost all vaxed, so it will come back to bite when they get rid of all their supporters.