Just had the following brain fart: The purpose of the Q movement is to build public support for a changing of the guard. The subsequent result of this is not consequential to the validity of the theory.
We don’t need to know the veracity of the information derived from Q posts to understand that the entire purpose of them is to turn people away from the western powers that be. You would not do this without then making a move to replace them with others.
Perhaps it could be argued that the purpose is to convince people to seek out the truth on their own. But I argue that this is simply the methodology utilized to turn people against western elites. What need would there be to seek out truth on your own if you weren’t supposed to do something with that truth? A frivolous exercise is to upend someone’s entire psychological existence and then have them watch the horror in real time with no options to change it.
This isn’t to debate the merits of various deep dives into common deep state bullshit narratives. Rather, it is to illustrate that this movement exists as a call to action against the status quo. Whether or not it will be successful is also not the point of discussion. Perhaps I will make a follow up post on the various possibilities that exist as consequences of the movement.
Some of the consequences lack sufficient information to gain meaningful insight. A major consideration to all of this is “Who the hell are we getting in place of the perverts we need to get rid of?” Because history tells us things repeatedly. Like the evils of Chang Kai Shek get replaced with Mao. The crimes of the Tsar are replaced with the Bolsheviks. The Shah of Iran is ousted in favor of the Ayatollah. None of which were better than the asshat in charge before. Is there a general getting too big for his britches? Military Coups rarely turn out favorably for the public.
A lot of analysis fails to consider valid reasons to behave as the deep state does. For one, imagine the Soviets utilizing similar techniques to bring us all into becoming satellite states of the USSR? We would obviously want to counter this. And that might mean doing some really filthy shit. Sometimes reality is messy and quite ugly. Is the main complaint just surrounding gratuitous excesses arising as a natural byproduct of the filth industry that might actually have our best interests in mind? These are things that ought to be explored more in depth than I’ve ever seen.
Note: I am not purporting to promote any of the above ideas. Rather, I assume nothing anymore these days that doesn’t lack sufficient substance beyond platitudes and hope behind it. It is a lot easier to convince people when you have gone down all of these trees and reached a supported conclusion on evidence.
A lot of the things you are talking about here can be puzzling when looked at independently, but makes much better sense when you look at it in the context of why they exist.
The world has always had atleast two layers. The layer we see - in which words like "western elite", "soviet union", "changing of guard" etc makes sense. But when you understand the layer behind it, the shadow layer, then you will realise all these words are just construct without meaning.
The shadow layer has always been about controlling humanity. They have been experimenting various forms of control, but ultimately their control has always been through hiding this shadow layer, and not letting people know the reality.
So when you view from this perspective, its easy to break down your questions.
The changing of guard is nothing but changing things in the public layer by the people in the shadow layer to continue their control. All the examples you gave
Are examples of changes only in the public layer, not in the shadow layer.
So the answer to your question is, no Q movement is not about changing of the guard, because Q movement is about showing people the shadow layer.
Again, the purpose is not to just turn them away from the western powers (public layer), but to expose the shadow layer and make people udnerstand these so called western powers are an illusion.
To accept that there exists a shadow layer that you cannot see or feel, but controls your whole life - this requires each person to come to this realisation on their own. This cant be just told. Hence the reason to show people who to seek out truth on their own. The action comes later, and it is critical as well.
The movement is not a call to action against status quo (public layer) but rather to see behind the curtain into the shadow layer.
You are not replacing the "perverts". You are replacing the entire system of having a shadow layer. The movement is about exposing the shadow layer and letting people dismantle it. Once everyone is aware of their true reality, it will no longer be possible to pull the same kind of fast one again. "Perverts" exist only because people are kept in the dark.
Once you understand that the deep state is nothing but tools of the shadow layer, whose goal is to keep control of humanity, you can explain all the behaviour of the deep state without any puzzlement.
As long as you cannot see the hidden hands behind the scenes, all conflicts are in the public layer, between one set of people against other.
The goal of Great Awakening is to change the shape of this conflict, and to make it humans against the shadow layer Cabal.
I like this viewpoint. I have some substantive disagreements with a couple of things you said, but overall I can support most of this. I also think I can weave it in with what I am saying and still be consistent.
I enjoy being persuaded. And that isn’t an easy thing to accomplish with an old stubborn mule like myself who doesn’t take orders well from anyone nor follow anyone else’s lead. I think your point about the shadow layer is an important distinction; and one that shows I still have a long way to go in eliminating presumptions/assumptions unless entirely unavoidable when getting theoretical. I think I am going to start my own rule to notate a presumption or assumption in any viewpoint I articulate from this point forward. This will make more sense when I reply to your post with substance in the morning with clear head.
Thanks for the response, was good one!
Cheers fren look forward to your response.
u/bubble_bursts/ -- that's a GREAT reply.
It would make an excellent post, for that matter.
Change "This" to "That"...
... and I 100% concur.
someone said something like: the ending isn't for everyone and it would be your choice to know.
The MAGA version of Build Back Better,
with sprinkles....
And women without dicks. That is a plus
Lol I wasn’t really trying to hit on “who’s next” topic in the post but I sure as hell hope you are wrong on this…for everyone’s sake.
The Q movement is designed to give We the People the opportunity to fill the power void from the imminent collapse. No society has ever survived a communist assault and not been replaced with totalitarianism. This is the biggest possible game changer in history. They weaponized the system against the People. Q has weaponized the People against the Cabal. Simple really. Never been done before. The Art of War.