I disagree. The way that Q presents itself vs what Q actually is may be at odds.
Psy Ops aren’t conducted through the telling of truth - they are conducted through the deliberate and systematic framing of things in order to elicit a desired response.
Although you may feel that everything Q has said and lead people to believe is bona fide, completely upfront and truthful, so too do the people in the opposite side with their sources of information.
Psy Ops are DESIGNED to put people at variance with each other - this means playing both sides against each other in order to achieve a state of crisis so that they can walk in and pretend to be the hero when they were the villain all along.
I think people need to just accept their vulnerability to deception. All Psy Ops that come at you will present themselves as the good guys/white hats, as with Operation Trust but people need to be more savvy than to just believe that someone is good and countering evil on only their own say so.
It is unarguable that the US and the world generally has become a more polarised place and this is by design. Whether you like it or not, Q has contributed to this immensely.
Q followers believe that Q is the good guy and that everyone else is deluded and that anons and the US military are literally the saviours of humanity whereas the other side have similarly grandiose thought about themselves - that they are liberators of all the ways that society enslaves people and that you are the extremists. These are genuinely held beliefs that both sides have about themselves and each other.
Most people just don’t want to countenance the possibility that they have both been played by the same force. Even though the situation we find ourselves in is precisely the stated aim of Psy Ops.
It seems like you are confounding issues here. Some of what you say is certainly true, and other pieces are not. It is well know how populations are vulnerable to psy ops and group think and all that good stuff. And of course Q is a polarizing force, right vs left, etc. And of course both sides believe they are correct. That’s how one ends up in a revolution. So you are correct on that regard.
The crux of the matter is whether we have been set up to have a color revolution or a true revolution. The difference being that after the revolution the country becomes more free, less corrupt, and less centrally powered then before the revolution in a true revolution. In a color revolution the whole purpose is the further consolidation of power into the hands of the corrupt elite. This will be the true test, and you are free to hold whatever beliefs you want until events actually play out.
However, from all events that have come to pass so far and how the game is being played out, it does appear that we are undergoing a true revolution and not a color revolution, and it does appear like attempted color revolutions have been stopped and have failed.
Well, that is the hopeful position and something we all here would prefer to see. But it doesn’t negate the possibility that the entire thing is one big ploy - one big theatrical enterprise conducted by essentially the same Cabal.
There are just far too many unresolved (in fact, entirely unaddressed by anons) clues as to the true motives of Q and Trump for me to accept the stated aims of Q at face value.
And there are highly credible theories out there about Q simply being the light squares of the same Masonic checkerboard, as with Probably Alexandra’s theories.
For example, raising the following reasonable points has often seen me banned from here - not because they are unworthy of discussion or untruthful but because most Q believers simply don’t want to get into the nitty gritty of the details and their implications.
Q doesn’t mention Jesus at all. He says you can’t remove the Christ from Christmas but we know that Christmas was a Pagan celebration of the winter solstice and nothing whatsoever to do with Christ.
Aside from that Q doesn’t mention him. Q is favourable to new age philosophy, boasting about a new Age of Enlightenment. Flynn recited that new Age patter of Claire Prophet and deceived his Christian audience into reciting it with him. Jesus warned against taking oaths and there was the Q oath that folk took.
Q mentions positively the dawn of a Brave New World.
Trump wanted the restoration of Albert Pikes statue commemorating his Freemasonry, following the BLM destruction.
Trumps pastor growing up was Norman Vincent Peale - another 33rd Degree Freemason. Trumps penthouse apartment is adorned with paintings of Apollo and Masonic columns.
Trump and Hillary are 19th cousins, both coming from European royalty bloodlines - just like every other president in history.
Q is silent on Gates. Q never gave any warning about the plandemic whatsoever which is a huge gaping hole considering the turn of events the world took and especially considering that such plans have been in the offing for decades. Why not give anons a heads up?
Qs confused messaging about who is to take action. Stating at different times that it is for the people whilst at other times stating that you chose them to do so and to just enjoy the show.
Trumps introduction of Warp Speed which is not only experimental vaccination that forewent all the normal safety protocols at Trumps behest, but also included the infrastructure for a health surveillance State. The fact that Event 201 is the only dummy run that is cited as proof of the planned nature of the plandemic whilst completely ignoring Trumps own, much broader reaching and much longer plandemic preparedness exercise Crimson Contagion.
Trumps continual celebration and endorsement of the vaccines.
There’s plenty more besides but I hope that you will recognise also that these are entirely legitimate concerns to have and questions that truly need resolved before the impartial observer could possibly jump aboard the Q and Trump trains because it makes both look absolutely complicit. Also that Trump dropped his vaccine safety commission at the behest of Gates who encouraged him instead to ‘do something great with vaccines’. Which, he claims he had done. But what he has also done there is set a precedent for similar things in the future.
There’s actually plenty about Q and Trump that is foreboding but unfortunately an awful lot of anons have adopted a cult mindset on these things and interpret every single thing that Q and Trump says or does in a positive light, no matter how illogical and irrational. Their justification essentially boiling down to some 5d chess move that is incomprehensible to even the most seasoned, well-researched anons and yet somehow they still fancy themselves as being the ones who can explain it all to the masses once the levee breaks.
It’s not adequate enough for me personally and I don’t believe it should be adequate enough for anyone who thinks of themself as logical and a seeker after truth.
Everyone has to make up their own mind on such things. I think that when you truly have read most of Q and seen how events have played out you can be quite reassured that Q is not a subversive operation, and could never have been a subversive operation, as it’s end results do not match up with the theorized concerns. A subversive operation would never have allowed or caused a movement such as ours to have formed. Perhaps the ultimate form of reassurance includes that the alternative is far worse than anything Q could cause.
I largely agree with you. People should be very careful and put their trust wholy in Jesus rather than man.
However, there are some counterpoints that have stuck with me.
Jesus is mentioned in 4739. Trump is not humble at all but he does promote and recognize Jesus as greater.
Q drew attention to freemasonry and asked why they are present at mass shootings. Possible Trump was previously deep into freemasonry/kabbalah and changed to be a Christian?
Regardless, keep posting here and pointing people to Jesus first. That is the true way we win together.
Cheers. On post 4739, I don’t count that as a Q post mentioning Jesus. It is a set prayer and it is not signed Q. I don’t know where the prayer comes from but it is not Qs own words and referring to God as the Supreme Commander, which is a Military sounding term, raises my suspicions.
I also don’t consider Donald Trump a Christian. I KNOW I’ll catch flak for this but Trump said he never asks God for forgiveness, he couldn’t quote a single passage from the Bible when asked, although when he spoke on that talk show in the 80s I believe he said he follows the Old Testament way of an eye for an eye ie revenge which automatically puts him at odds with the sermon on the Mount and with even just the general gist of Jesus’ ministry.
Also, Donald Trump confessed in his book the art of the deal to having a Kabbalah teacher, we know his daughter and son in law are not only Jewish but are of the genocidal Chabad Lubavitch sect. Trumps love of Israel is well documented and I’ve never heard him speak of Jesus even once (though I stand to be corrected).
Added into that the fact that Trump was always actually a democrat and only became a Republican for his election campaign (is this correct? When did he become a Republican?) then it makes things more than a little bit iffy on his Christian credentials and raises the distinct possibility that he was just gaming the Christian vote, which is overwhelmingly Republican.
You are correct that Q drew reference to Freemasons but not anywhere near enough for my liking, given the humongous influence they exert over world events. It felt more tokenistic than anything else, like he knew his credibility in these matters would be severely undermined if he didn’t throw a bone.
Another thing I struggle with when I read these explanations before delays is that history will ALWAYS repeat itself. There are only so many human reactions to the multitude of problems a human faces. My question about what this op proposes as a long term multi generational fix is that evil always exists in the fallen world. Generational memory will be lost over time and sooner or later evil returns.
I'm not advocating for an incomplete solution, I just think we are being sold bill of goods about some kind of nirvana delivered by the white hats. I think it's all taking too long and the results are over promised and will be under delivered. The cost of delay is way to high for me. But hey I'm fringe and will be attacked for this thought. Whether we are waiting to wake sheep or at war with the tendrals of 70 years of corruption, the anger I feel actually turns my heart against everyone involved in this process. White hat included. Sometimes if wonder if I'm the only one that feels like the entire political populace needs to be eliminated from our society.
I disagree. The way that Q presents itself vs what Q actually is may be at odds.
Psy Ops aren’t conducted through the telling of truth - they are conducted through the deliberate and systematic framing of things in order to elicit a desired response.
Although you may feel that everything Q has said and lead people to believe is bona fide, completely upfront and truthful, so too do the people in the opposite side with their sources of information.
Psy Ops are DESIGNED to put people at variance with each other - this means playing both sides against each other in order to achieve a state of crisis so that they can walk in and pretend to be the hero when they were the villain all along.
I think people need to just accept their vulnerability to deception. All Psy Ops that come at you will present themselves as the good guys/white hats, as with Operation Trust but people need to be more savvy than to just believe that someone is good and countering evil on only their own say so.
It is unarguable that the US and the world generally has become a more polarised place and this is by design. Whether you like it or not, Q has contributed to this immensely.
Q followers believe that Q is the good guy and that everyone else is deluded and that anons and the US military are literally the saviours of humanity whereas the other side have similarly grandiose thought about themselves - that they are liberators of all the ways that society enslaves people and that you are the extremists. These are genuinely held beliefs that both sides have about themselves and each other.
Most people just don’t want to countenance the possibility that they have both been played by the same force. Even though the situation we find ourselves in is precisely the stated aim of Psy Ops.
It seems like you are confounding issues here. Some of what you say is certainly true, and other pieces are not. It is well know how populations are vulnerable to psy ops and group think and all that good stuff. And of course Q is a polarizing force, right vs left, etc. And of course both sides believe they are correct. That’s how one ends up in a revolution. So you are correct on that regard.
The crux of the matter is whether we have been set up to have a color revolution or a true revolution. The difference being that after the revolution the country becomes more free, less corrupt, and less centrally powered then before the revolution in a true revolution. In a color revolution the whole purpose is the further consolidation of power into the hands of the corrupt elite. This will be the true test, and you are free to hold whatever beliefs you want until events actually play out.
However, from all events that have come to pass so far and how the game is being played out, it does appear that we are undergoing a true revolution and not a color revolution, and it does appear like attempted color revolutions have been stopped and have failed.
Well, that is the hopeful position and something we all here would prefer to see. But it doesn’t negate the possibility that the entire thing is one big ploy - one big theatrical enterprise conducted by essentially the same Cabal.
There are just far too many unresolved (in fact, entirely unaddressed by anons) clues as to the true motives of Q and Trump for me to accept the stated aims of Q at face value.
And there are highly credible theories out there about Q simply being the light squares of the same Masonic checkerboard, as with Probably Alexandra’s theories.
For example, raising the following reasonable points has often seen me banned from here - not because they are unworthy of discussion or untruthful but because most Q believers simply don’t want to get into the nitty gritty of the details and their implications.
Q doesn’t mention Jesus at all. He says you can’t remove the Christ from Christmas but we know that Christmas was a Pagan celebration of the winter solstice and nothing whatsoever to do with Christ.
Aside from that Q doesn’t mention him. Q is favourable to new age philosophy, boasting about a new Age of Enlightenment. Flynn recited that new Age patter of Claire Prophet and deceived his Christian audience into reciting it with him. Jesus warned against taking oaths and there was the Q oath that folk took.
Q mentions positively the dawn of a Brave New World.
Trump wanted the restoration of Albert Pikes statue commemorating his Freemasonry, following the BLM destruction.
Trumps pastor growing up was Norman Vincent Peale - another 33rd Degree Freemason. Trumps penthouse apartment is adorned with paintings of Apollo and Masonic columns.
Trump and Hillary are 19th cousins, both coming from European royalty bloodlines - just like every other president in history.
Q is silent on Gates. Q never gave any warning about the plandemic whatsoever which is a huge gaping hole considering the turn of events the world took and especially considering that such plans have been in the offing for decades. Why not give anons a heads up?
Qs confused messaging about who is to take action. Stating at different times that it is for the people whilst at other times stating that you chose them to do so and to just enjoy the show.
Trumps introduction of Warp Speed which is not only experimental vaccination that forewent all the normal safety protocols at Trumps behest, but also included the infrastructure for a health surveillance State. The fact that Event 201 is the only dummy run that is cited as proof of the planned nature of the plandemic whilst completely ignoring Trumps own, much broader reaching and much longer plandemic preparedness exercise Crimson Contagion.
Trumps continual celebration and endorsement of the vaccines.
There’s plenty more besides but I hope that you will recognise also that these are entirely legitimate concerns to have and questions that truly need resolved before the impartial observer could possibly jump aboard the Q and Trump trains because it makes both look absolutely complicit. Also that Trump dropped his vaccine safety commission at the behest of Gates who encouraged him instead to ‘do something great with vaccines’. Which, he claims he had done. But what he has also done there is set a precedent for similar things in the future.
There’s actually plenty about Q and Trump that is foreboding but unfortunately an awful lot of anons have adopted a cult mindset on these things and interpret every single thing that Q and Trump says or does in a positive light, no matter how illogical and irrational. Their justification essentially boiling down to some 5d chess move that is incomprehensible to even the most seasoned, well-researched anons and yet somehow they still fancy themselves as being the ones who can explain it all to the masses once the levee breaks.
It’s not adequate enough for me personally and I don’t believe it should be adequate enough for anyone who thinks of themself as logical and a seeker after truth.
Everyone has to make up their own mind on such things. I think that when you truly have read most of Q and seen how events have played out you can be quite reassured that Q is not a subversive operation, and could never have been a subversive operation, as it’s end results do not match up with the theorized concerns. A subversive operation would never have allowed or caused a movement such as ours to have formed. Perhaps the ultimate form of reassurance includes that the alternative is far worse than anything Q could cause.
I largely agree with you. People should be very careful and put their trust wholy in Jesus rather than man.
However, there are some counterpoints that have stuck with me.
Jesus is mentioned in 4739. Trump is not humble at all but he does promote and recognize Jesus as greater.
Q drew attention to freemasonry and asked why they are present at mass shootings. Possible Trump was previously deep into freemasonry/kabbalah and changed to be a Christian?
Regardless, keep posting here and pointing people to Jesus first. That is the true way we win together.
Cheers. On post 4739, I don’t count that as a Q post mentioning Jesus. It is a set prayer and it is not signed Q. I don’t know where the prayer comes from but it is not Qs own words and referring to God as the Supreme Commander, which is a Military sounding term, raises my suspicions.
I also don’t consider Donald Trump a Christian. I KNOW I’ll catch flak for this but Trump said he never asks God for forgiveness, he couldn’t quote a single passage from the Bible when asked, although when he spoke on that talk show in the 80s I believe he said he follows the Old Testament way of an eye for an eye ie revenge which automatically puts him at odds with the sermon on the Mount and with even just the general gist of Jesus’ ministry.
Also, Donald Trump confessed in his book the art of the deal to having a Kabbalah teacher, we know his daughter and son in law are not only Jewish but are of the genocidal Chabad Lubavitch sect. Trumps love of Israel is well documented and I’ve never heard him speak of Jesus even once (though I stand to be corrected).
Added into that the fact that Trump was always actually a democrat and only became a Republican for his election campaign (is this correct? When did he become a Republican?) then it makes things more than a little bit iffy on his Christian credentials and raises the distinct possibility that he was just gaming the Christian vote, which is overwhelmingly Republican.
You are correct that Q drew reference to Freemasons but not anywhere near enough for my liking, given the humongous influence they exert over world events. It felt more tokenistic than anything else, like he knew his credibility in these matters would be severely undermined if he didn’t throw a bone.
Another thing I struggle with when I read these explanations before delays is that history will ALWAYS repeat itself. There are only so many human reactions to the multitude of problems a human faces. My question about what this op proposes as a long term multi generational fix is that evil always exists in the fallen world. Generational memory will be lost over time and sooner or later evil returns. I'm not advocating for an incomplete solution, I just think we are being sold bill of goods about some kind of nirvana delivered by the white hats. I think it's all taking too long and the results are over promised and will be under delivered. The cost of delay is way to high for me. But hey I'm fringe and will be attacked for this thought. Whether we are waiting to wake sheep or at war with the tendrals of 70 years of corruption, the anger I feel actually turns my heart against everyone involved in this process. White hat included. Sometimes if wonder if I'm the only one that feels like the entire political populace needs to be eliminated from our society.
You most assuredly are not. I, for one, agree with everything you said - for what that’s worth