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Just a place for general discussion. A place to unload whats on your mind and talk about anything - personal, health, help needed, achievements, daily highs and daily lows, theories, predictions and what have you.
Does not need to be Q related.
Today, moved my bunch of seedlings out of the germination tank into their hydroponic spots. Hoping they go well, those little critters.
Is it strange to feel parental towards my seedlings?
Life in any of its forms is precious. I gotta say, I have a real affection for these little fellas.
Not at all. Heck you should hear me talking to my dogs like they are people, lol. But seriously, I don't think it's strange at all to talk to your plants. I wish I knew more about planting and gardening, it's going to take me time. This summer was my first time having a garden and at first everything was growing like crazy, but hardly yielded anything. Though right now my green peppers on one plant has like 13 peppers on it 🤞 my sweet potatoes were very small, so might cook them up for my pups. Have some seeds I'd like to start in starter containers, but not sure where to put them, like in my garage, inside the house or outside, and where to put them when they start to grow now that winter is coming in a few months (I'm in the south).
Absolutely not! I can up your crazy and tell you I talk to mine. With every one I plant, I thank them and tell them to do their job well. I know they can feel the energy.
It's why you give thanks for your food and that it will strengthen you etc..blessings / vibrations work. Tests done showed blessing water altered it....Dr Emo.
Oops. I forgot the correct markers.
The question was actually rhetorical, not serious. Inserted for dramatic effect. If it is 'strange', then obviously it's the right kind of strange. But I don't think it's strange. I think it's proper, and healthy.
Sorry for any confusion.
Gotcha! Maybe one day we can all chat in person. What a day that would be! Fun times.
It's not strange...you are at one with God's earth. That's a very healthy state of mind!