This. Faggot was literally a special guest on many Q streaming outlets for a couple of years. Essentially used the platform to make money and plug his failed campaigns.
I would bet many others like Dice & Dilley are activated before the precipice to try and stymie the movement.
Actually, can't wait for this to happen. Will finally clear the air on some of the PAYtriots that still have the bag pulled over some anon's heads.
I seem to remember Brenden following Q in the old days. I guess he doesn't any more.
He responded to me and said we're all "gay" and "Q is bullshit"
I asked him why since he's losing support and most people are waking up. He then said he was "proud to lose support from insufferable twats".
Seems like a cool guy. Haha.
This. Faggot was literally a special guest on many Q streaming outlets for a couple of years. Essentially used the platform to make money and plug his failed campaigns.
I would bet many others like Dice & Dilley are activated before the precipice to try and stymie the movement.
Actually, can't wait for this to happen. Will finally clear the air on some of the PAYtriots that still have the bag pulled over some anon's heads.
Lisa may