Forget the blame game, Nordstream Sabotage is about the Great Reset & nothing else.
Kit Knightly Last night it was reported that “blasts” had damaged both Nordstream pipelines that carry gas exported from Russia to Germany and other nations across northern Europe. As a…
I agree this may be part of setting the stage for the great reset, however it doesn't take into consideration the 'blow back' by the people who are experiencing the harm. I tend to think this reactionary to the Olaf Scholz German government following WEF orders that dominate the EU and the NATO thinking to end Russian Energy imports. When Scholz followed this dictate, energy prices in Germany sky-rocketed. The German people began to protest. And the protests grew to be very large. Scholz was desperate and was considering backing down. His answer to his dilemma has now come to past with the "end of Nord stream" as we know it. Chancellor Olaf Scholz now has an official 'excuse' to provide to the German people. However, misery deserves company and if Germany is not sufficiently provided with energy, the protests will only grow. IMHO, the entire act of sabotage was to "save" Olaf Scholz' government. However, the financial and economic engine for the entire EU rests on German manufacturing. Without adequate energy, factories will close. Jobs will be lost and the protests will only grow. Rationing energy is not an option for the German people and it is certianly not for the mega-corporations in Germany like BASF. They have already warned their operations will have to close if the price and availability of energy continues at its high rates.
The Great Reset is far from from being implemented. Even if the German economy implodes, the road to a one world digital currency is far from being achieved. The NATO move to sabotage the Nord Stream pipelines was reactionary to save the Scholz government and to obtain complete leverage over German industry. The German people were a wild card that needed to be dealt with. Now, NATO members Norway, Denmark, and Poland control Germany's industry, which provides the lion's share of funding the EU.
Russia has BRICS and is no longer part of the uni-polar fractional reserve banking system. Russia must fall before the Rothschild uni-polar financial system is established. Hence, the reason for the Ukraine conflict.
You can't have a digital-currency if there's no electricity! ;)
Yep. The word "retaliation" is being used quite a bit lately. The ball seems to be in Russia's court right now. As far as trans-Atlantic cables are concerned, someone posted a map of these. I wish I had bookmarked it. Nevertheless, the map shows many cables running across the Atlantic to Europe and elsewhere. So, it appears cutting one, two, or more cables doesn't necessarily mean a dead Internet. If I remember the map correctly, it looked as if there were dozens upon dozens of cables traversing the Atlantic. I guess this is what is called 'backup'.
Everything is about the great re-set.
Quite right. It appears clearer each day that this "everything" always has 'depopulation' as the result. I've never seen anything like it. No matter how you cut it, it always results in massive death and suffering. So yes, the Great Reset seems to be weighed on how many people in the world are eliminated before it is successfully implemented. The lock-downs will always be at the center of any of the diabolical plans. The trend appears to be moving away from fake pandemics to nuclear war and starvation. World War would easily necessitate lock-downs. Know that lock-downs kill more people than wars and pandemics combined. Lock-downs are another name for democide.
As far as certain "elite" are concerned depopulation will happen regardless. We are faced with a coming E.L.E and "NCSWIC". Even with all the DUMBS and other underground shelters it's not likely more than 50 million humans will survive the event and the years, maybe a few generations, before the surface is habitable again. Killing off several billion now just reduces the number who will die in terror latter. More to the point it has been determined that the greatest chance of survival for those going underground is if those surface dwellers are eliminated prior to the nova event. Don't need a bunch of useless eaters piss'n in vent shafts and causing trouble.
The other side of the coin is called the Great Awakening. If your a normie EU citizen you probably feel like you just got gut punched. Even with a political solution you now believe there won’t be enough gas to heat your homes, a hope that most probably held before this sabotage. And, your supposed ally, the U.S. is a leading suspect.
Millions of Europeans are now faced with the reality of a dark, cold winter. All the talk, all the money poured into renewables will not keep the heat or lights on. How can this not be a precipice moment? The EU and several leaders have steered straight toward a cliff in a ship that now appears to lack a reverse gear.
Do Europeans wake up and pushback against their globalist governments? Or, do they choose to be lemmings and go over the cliff? I think this wakes them up and they take back their God-given rights and their sovereignty.
I used to work with a guy who said breakthroughs only come when your making incremental, small changes. I think he is right.
If all you are doing is trying to maintain the status quo, you will never experience a breakthrough. But, when you are taking baby steps one day things click and you have a breakthrough that propels you farther forward than you ever imagined. Hopefully that works in the process of people waking up.
Pull it Lucky Larry !
Relevance to thread?
two separate parts of the pipeline were damaged, I could believe it if one was damaged was an accident, but two parts of the pipeline damaged ?
and (3) sky scrapers falling down, that seems even less likely than two parts of the pipelines getting damaged. And if a person takes out an insurance policy 6 months before the skyscrapers falling down, I would call that a good inside bet. and if GE Capital insured the skyscrapers, and the idea was to implode GE, then that would be another good inside bet.
My friend reminded us all what Victoria Newland said …..
January 27, 2022 Victoria Nuland: "If Russia invades Ukraine, one way or another, Nord Stream 2 will not move forward".
IMO it will kill US trade with China.
Can you expand on this?
Russia loses customers in Europe
concentrates on China trade.
US dollar loses its grip.
This strengthens BRICS (the C is China)
OK, thanks, reasonable projection.
China needs the Russian energy and will have to trade in Russian rubles.
Russia will probably start selling Chinese crap like Walmart.
Remember a while back when Russia and China were flying joint military exercises?
A lot of US tech is moving to Texas (also fuck Newsom).
The wild card is Taiwan.
I want to know if Taiwan is a hive of cabal iniquity like Ukraine.
I don't know. Taiwan makes high level chips that the whole world uses.
Attacking Taiwan would have a built-in dead-man switch --- no more chips.
Tsai Ing-wen/Taiwan seem to be a Trump supporter.
Pompeo opened relationships with Taiwan at the end of his term. Some say he is DS though (CIA).
Xi wants to reclaim Taiwan.
Here you go --- in real time
BREAKING: The U.S. imposes sanctions on companies from Belarus, Armenia and China for supporting the Russian military Defence procurement firm Radioavtomatika is being targeted by U.S. sanctions China's Sinno Electronics and Armenia's Taco LLC were suppliers to this Russian company
Thanks. The US are truly flailing around now aren't they.
Nobody sanctioned NATO's suppliers over NATO's actual war crimes committed while attacking Libya and Serbia.
It's a currency war of the banking systems.
Bankers want to use their own money they "print".