Nixon unilaterally, and unconstitutionally, took the US dollar off the gold standard.
Ford buried Nixon's crimes.
Reagan was pretty good, but he let Bush Sr. get away with his crimes in Iran and Central America.
Bush Sr. was one of the most evil individuals who ever set foot in the White House, and he invaded Iraq using lies as his basis.
Bush Jr. pretended that 19 Arabs in caves did 9/11, and then invaded Iraq (like daddy), which had no connection to 9/11, though he also lied about it (like daddy).
Pence allowed the 2020 election to be certified, under the protest of several States' legislatures.
NoName, Romney, Graham, and many others on the "right" are very authoritarian in their mindset.
Well it’s missing the vertical axis for starters, which measures “authoritarian” vs “libertarian”. There is left right but also up down. See this for more info
Authoritarian should be nowhere close to the right.
Nixon unilaterally, and unconstitutionally, took the US dollar off the gold standard.
Ford buried Nixon's crimes.
Reagan was pretty good, but he let Bush Sr. get away with his crimes in Iran and Central America.
Bush Sr. was one of the most evil individuals who ever set foot in the White House, and he invaded Iraq using lies as his basis.
Bush Jr. pretended that 19 Arabs in caves did 9/11, and then invaded Iraq (like daddy), which had no connection to 9/11, though he also lied about it (like daddy).
Pence allowed the 2020 election to be certified, under the protest of several States' legislatures.
NoName, Romney, Graham, and many others on the "right" are very authoritarian in their mindset.
Let's be real, here.