Could be a chance to show the evidence of cheating. Machines were set to reject too many ballots, forcing adjudication by election workers. Any ballot that needs this should be reviewed by a panel of people and not by a single worker.
Exactly. He has ‘standing’ and expert testimony. How could the court deny him the chance to show the empirical information that influenced his accusations?
Exactly. Try to get it thrown out knowing it won’t be. All the while actually prepping for “discovery” during the case to present Dominion’s treason against We The People.
I think Mike is okay with losing everything. I really do. He's lost it all before and isn't worried about it. Most people would worry and give in. Mike's committed to God and knows he can take exactly nothing with him when his time here on earth comes to an end. Dominion picked the wrong guy to mess with.
It will start this year during midterms. Will it be totally fixed, absolutely not. But to your question, when will it start? It will start now. It already has.
If widespread fraud occurs this election, in 2022, I think things are going to heat up dramatically.
If we do not have free and fair elections, then we no longer have a country. If we don't have a country, and we don't have laws that are followed, making us a lawless country, then there is a real possibility that all hell is going to break loose.
I'm not calling for violence of any kind. I'm just explaining that our country feels like a powder keg, and no one should ever smoke around highly combustible material.
Widespread fraud is already in play with dominion machines being used in dozens of states. If the courts won't hear these cases from 2020 I don't see why they'd suddenly start making rulings on them for these midterms.
One of the keys to the dominion fraud is they need legit ballots replaced with fraudulent ballots. Keep an eye on the absentee ballot counters at polling precincts. They are the ones that have access to stacks of ballots that have been removed from their envelopes. Once out of the envelopes, they have no identifying marks. They can swap hundreds at a time with pre-filled fraud ballots.
The absentee ballot counters are the ones that handle the ballots, so they can take a stack of say 300, put consecutive numbers on all 300, or simply swap them with 300 pre-filled, pre-numbered ballots and dump them in the precinct count.
This is the old school way of cheating. Dominion just computerizes it. But if the ballots are ever hand recounted, which they will be in many places, the ballots have to match.
Stop the swap and you stop the steal.
This is where we all come in. Volunteer to be a poll worker, not a poll watcher, and hover like a bee on honey around the absentee ballot counter. That is the key fraud target to watch. If they go to the bathroom, go to the bathroom. If they take a break, take a break and follow them. If they go in a different room, go with them.
There are tens of thousands of precincts that are digital voting ONLY, and dominion can dump every R vote into a D vote as it tallies the totals. That's real nice that some counties in red states are gonna sit in and monitor mail-ins and paper ballots but that's such a fractional size of the vote in this century
Could be a chance to show the evidence of cheating. Machines were set to reject too many ballots, forcing adjudication by election workers. Any ballot that needs this should be reviewed by a panel of people and not by a single worker.
Exactly. He has ‘standing’ and expert testimony. How could the court deny him the chance to show the empirical information that influenced his accusations?
If that is the case, why was Lindell appealing to the SCOTUS to get the case against him thrown out? Something doesn't add up here.
If you had a case against you wouldn’t you try to get it thrown out?
Exactly. Try to get it thrown out knowing it won’t be. All the while actually prepping for “discovery” during the case to present Dominion’s treason against We The People.
How do you introduce evidence legally? Q u/#q3850
... is a word with much meaning in court cases.
Let's hope it's not a kangaroo court like others have been
My guess is they will try to break him.
I think Mike is okay with losing everything. I really do. He's lost it all before and isn't worried about it. Most people would worry and give in. Mike's committed to God and knows he can take exactly nothing with him when his time here on earth comes to an end. Dominion picked the wrong guy to mess with.
It's not about just fixing 2022 or 2024. It's about fixing them all for good.
What election year do you think will start fixing dominion machines?
It will start this year during midterms. Will it be totally fixed, absolutely not. But to your question, when will it start? It will start now. It already has.
If widespread fraud occurs this election, in 2022, I think things are going to heat up dramatically.
If we do not have free and fair elections, then we no longer have a country. If we don't have a country, and we don't have laws that are followed, making us a lawless country, then there is a real possibility that all hell is going to break loose.
I'm not calling for violence of any kind. I'm just explaining that our country feels like a powder keg, and no one should ever smoke around highly combustible material.
Widespread fraud is already in play with dominion machines being used in dozens of states. If the courts won't hear these cases from 2020 I don't see why they'd suddenly start making rulings on them for these midterms.
One of the keys to the dominion fraud is they need legit ballots replaced with fraudulent ballots. Keep an eye on the absentee ballot counters at polling precincts. They are the ones that have access to stacks of ballots that have been removed from their envelopes. Once out of the envelopes, they have no identifying marks. They can swap hundreds at a time with pre-filled fraud ballots.
The absentee ballot counters are the ones that handle the ballots, so they can take a stack of say 300, put consecutive numbers on all 300, or simply swap them with 300 pre-filled, pre-numbered ballots and dump them in the precinct count.
This is the old school way of cheating. Dominion just computerizes it. But if the ballots are ever hand recounted, which they will be in many places, the ballots have to match.
Stop the swap and you stop the steal.
This is where we all come in. Volunteer to be a poll worker, not a poll watcher, and hover like a bee on honey around the absentee ballot counter. That is the key fraud target to watch. If they go to the bathroom, go to the bathroom. If they take a break, take a break and follow them. If they go in a different room, go with them.
There are tens of thousands of precincts that are digital voting ONLY, and dominion can dump every R vote into a D vote as it tallies the totals. That's real nice that some counties in red states are gonna sit in and monitor mail-ins and paper ballots but that's such a fractional size of the vote in this century
Battleground states have paper ballots and that's where it matters right now.