baizuo means white-left. It is not a compliment. other words are used to describe the same phenomena in Chinese communist society. the Chinese are quite race conscious.
To me, baizuo really are one of the perfect representations of useful idiots. Being useful to China (and anyone trying to attack the U.S.) while openly being mocked by China and others. Although I would say I was somewhat awakened around 2012 or so, I really did have to experience this absolute horror show to understand stuff like "useful idiots," "just following orders," sheep, woke, and whatnot... and given them a material form so that I can talk to others about them and push back against them (e.g., my workplace pushed jab mandate last year but mostly backed off at this point and is currently gently pushing pronouns).
Funny but true and quiet sad , great place many years ago!
They destroy everything they touch.
Their slogan is "keep it weird" i hear..ed.
White man are terrorist. Says the dyke trying to look like a white man…. With obvious mental health issues.
baizuo means white-left. It is not a compliment. other words are used to describe the same phenomena in Chinese communist society. the Chinese are quite race conscious.
To me, baizuo really are one of the perfect representations of useful idiots. Being useful to China (and anyone trying to attack the U.S.) while openly being mocked by China and others. Although I would say I was somewhat awakened around 2012 or so, I really did have to experience this absolute horror show to understand stuff like "useful idiots," "just following orders," sheep, woke, and whatnot... and given them a material form so that I can talk to others about them and push back against them (e.g., my workplace pushed jab mandate last year but mostly backed off at this point and is currently gently pushing pronouns).
It's hilarious they think there tough
Where I'm from, we just called these people weiners.