Let's ignore the DS angle for a bit, since I suspect many corporate boardrooms were opposed to Trump for more reasons than just being infiltrated (some may not be infiltrated by DS players at all). I want to bring this up because I feel that Trump and the Patriots exposed these people as well, and I'm probably only touching the tip of the iceberg.
Business Competition - Trump created an environment (by removing regulations) that allowed small / new businesses to grow and thrive without having to have the resources to deal with corrupt government agencies
Labor Market - job growth creates a tight labor market, which gives people options to move around and seek better jobs and opportunities for themselves
Labor Competition - requires companies to pay higher wages and/or better benefits
Control over employees - amazing how covid showed that many people can be productive working offsite, which made life easier for people who had to be onsite (parking, commuting, fuel costs, etc) - but now those same corporations feel their people must be onsite full time to get work done, when it clearly has nothing to do with getting work done.
Political Control - a few large corporations are easier to control from a political standpoint, than many smaller companies. The people running the large corporations benefit from having a symbiotic relationship with politicians, being better prepared (advance warning) for regulations and government manipulation of large markets. I suspect they feel they can strongly influence and exercise some control over the political side, and profit from it.
The heads of corporations have been groomed for their roles the same as politicians are groomed for theirs. They are born into the elite families and chosen to go to the right schools, join the right fraternities and societies. Sail into and through the right universities and into high level positions. All on a constant diet of Kool-aid. You don't head up a significant corporation unless you are CFR approved.
Came here to say this ^^ exactly.
Add in same secret clubs, and many have secrets held by the cabal.
this is why they hate him so much.
Remember when Tim Schmidt of Google/Alphabet stepped down immediately after Trump signed it?
Excellent points
That and Vanguard and Blackrock own nearly everything and the 13 families are the ones behind them.
One of the single biggest costs of running a brick and mortar is the rent/mortgage. Another is payroll.
Reducing payroll by 90%, outsourcing delivery and eliminating 90% of your brick and mortar needs is huge profits.
Condense your downstream of inventory and services to megacenters and the PNL surges to huge gains.
What has the world come to when Blackrock holds a ton of our countries housing hostage
One could argue that the whole Corporate structure was created by the cabal intentionally for the very purpose it was used for in Nazi Germany (as a test run for America, imo). Note that the pyramidal corporate structure is a direct reflection of the operating structure of the cabal criminal syndicate and every crime organization in the world that has been allowed to flourish.
Also note that it appears a corporate structure of government was implemented in the United States in 1933 (Act of March 9th, 1933) where a municipal service corporation was placed "on top" of each Sovereign State, and controlled out of DC, which itself was created/expanded by Trust II, 1871 (which apparently operates in parallel to Trust I, 1791 until such time they can phase out Trust I.)
TDLR: pyramidal structure = cabal = gov't = corporations = crime syndicates; decentralized non-pyramidal control structures break that, and any corporation that tries to implement that decentralized operational structure gets destroyed, tanked, deprived of capital, or taken over.
I had some similar thoughts earlier this week about corporate structures. I worked in corporate America and was a witnes to how little sense the management structure made. It became impossible for someone to rise through the ranks and no promotion was ever based on merit or knowledge. Something else was at work. Lots more to say on this, may be a separate post at some point.
It wouldn't surprise me if corporatism, maritime law, and usury were all part of an ancient enslavement system. It could even go beyond our planet. Well, Q did say it was bigger than we can imagine.
This could be it's own thread with a little sauce to make it spicy.
I wish I could find the article I originally read that detailed all of this. It was published around the time of the Lori Laughlin college scandal. WEF, CFR, Atlantic Council all inter-related in this process.