I presume it would be cruel and unusual punishment if we threw expired cans of food... but moldy tomatoes, rutabagas, parsnips, and limburger cheese would not, correct?
At every voting location, at the entrance there should be wide banners hung that say something like:
Voter Fraud is a Felony punishable by IMPRISONMENT!
Only legal citizens may vote.
You may only vote for yourself.
You may only vote once.
Video cameras are watching you!
Keep alert! Report any Fraudulent Activity Immediately!
Under common law, our rightful law, they need to make restitution. There is no restitution in standing in a stock. That's what is missing in our criminal "justice" system. Law breakers are fined or imprisoned but the victims are never made whole--or as close to whole as is possible.
Seriously..why not? These people have endangered our lives to a extent we may never fully grasps. It should be treason, punishable by death.
Only if we can still throw rotten cabbages and tomatoes at them while they're in it.
Government provided rotten vegetables
Government does do rotten and moldy best!
Simple, inexpensive, effective. I don't see a problem here.
Let's not turn into the monsters we're fighting. Swift trial, death penalty.
... have you heard of the Pear of Anguish?
War crimes are what winners say losers did.
You got my vote.
I presume it would be cruel and unusual punishment if we threw expired cans of food... but moldy tomatoes, rutabagas, parsnips, and limburger cheese would not, correct?
At every voting location, at the entrance there should be wide banners hung that say something like:
Treat them like any criminals and post their pictures in post offices across the U.S. I will even print and ship.
Under common law, our rightful law, they need to make restitution. There is no restitution in standing in a stock. That's what is missing in our criminal "justice" system. Law breakers are fined or imprisoned but the victims are never made whole--or as close to whole as is possible.
Step one.