Bear with me, this is a bit of a wordy explanation but I don't know how else to explain it.
Once upon a time, I got the idea I could beat the marginal odds enjoyed by casino's at the roulette table and decided to test my theory using online betting sites.
Standard distribution tends to follow a bell curve, and it's at both extremes of that bell curve that I felt it was possible to manipulate the odds slightly in my favour.
A typical roulette wheel has thirty seven numbers, 1-36 and a zero. I mention the zero separately becaue that is the house advantage. The reason for this is that all the other numbers can be bet on in various ways.
Odd/Even, 1-12/ 13-24/ 14-36, Black/Red and three 'rows'. None of these methods include the zero, so every time zero comes up the house wins everything (if people bet on zero they have reduced their odds of winning massively down to 1 in 37 so they don't do it).
Obviously it's possible to string together a short run of wins for the punter, but over time, for the casino, that 1 in 37 advantage is what makes it profitable.
Now, in order to overcome this I decided to use a martinet system as a base. Simply put, this is where you start your first bet with 1, and if you lose you double down until you win, then you go back to betting 1 again.
This theory is totally impossible to win with because roulette frequently throws up runs of reds, or blacks, or evens etc. so that the doubling affect quickly hits house limits on bets and you lose a huge amount of money.
However, it is possible to pre-load the odds and limit the doubling by bailing out of a run once it hits a certain amount. Also, betting on the 1 in 3 odds sectors can eke the raising cost to a few more spins before hitting the limit.
Now, I tried various different levels before hitting on one that worked in theory and tried it out for real with real money. I made money for two weeks and then it wouldn't work again, ever. So I adapted my theory and tried again.
Once more it lasted two weeks and then failed. This happened six times in a row, forcing me to conclude that they had a smart system running on their casino that analysed bets and worked out any pattern you might be using, then interjected a losing bet at the critical point to ensure you lost. Not enough to form it's own pattern in isolation, but I detected it due to the pattern of its operation.
So what I did then (at this point I was down £3000) was to combine all 6 variations at once. This was a nightmare to track six differnt betting patterns simultaneously without losing track, but I managed with a few mistakes here and there.
Over the course of the next month I not only made back my £3000 I made £800 profit. At which point I invested the £800 in a new laptop and exercise bike and quit due to nervous exhaustion.
I tell you all this because my mind is starting to recognise that there are many plans in motion, not one. Each plan exists in its own right and is not dependent on the others if one should fail, the others pick up the slack.
Overall there is an inexorable progress towards victory, but when most people try to analyse 'the plan' they are overwhelmed by what appears to be chaos and things that don't seem related. Again, this is because there are multiple plans in motion.
It would take an advanced AI to analyse the patterns and pull out all the various plans that are consistent within themselves. I can only tell that this is happening because of the above experience and the way my mind 'feels' numbers etc.
If you made it this far, thanks for reading, and well done! ( and welcome to a glimpse into my mind that I rarely share).
You must be really smart
In some ways :) In others I am a moron, but I try to work on those.
Humility is a strong trait of yours. ;)
It's hard to tell how tongue in cheek that comment was :p
Yeah, I know. But I'm just being truthful. Maybe the comment didn't translate good. My bad. I'm not trying to be sarcastic or anything like that. Just a friendly comment from your Eastern European friend that just happens to live in the cold north of Scandinavia. Sweden to be precise! I like to read about how your mind works.
Are you Aspergers? You remind me of my son. (That's a compliment, btw.)
I have severe ADHD, but I think I might be some other stuff too that's never been diagnosed. It helps being blessed with a high IQ, but I would trade IQ points for more intuition any day of the week.
I spend a lot of time trying to improve where I am weak (rather than just doing what I'm good at) and intuition is a weak force in me, but I have been learning to listen to it more and act on it. It really helps to have a wife who is very intuitive, bordering on psychic afaik.
I think you do have the intuition. You just have to modify your pattern recognition to accommodate that goal. Intuition, for the most part, boils down to patterns. If you have the capability to do what you just described, you are more than capable of honing in on the intuition that you seek.
There's a lot of talk that ADHD, ADD, Aspergers, and autism (and other differently functioning mind types) are all on the same continuum. My son is also high IQ. From your work on this post, you don't seem to lack focus! When my son was a child, he would get so deeply into whatever task he was pursuing (as long as it was something that interested him) that he could be very agitated when that was interrupted--even if the interruption was to do something he enjoyed. Tantrums were rare, but that was definitely a trigger.
You can be high IQ and also intuitive. I don't think you need to trade one for the other. :) I think the challenge sometimes is not the lack of ability to tune into the intuition, it is the lack of confidence in trusting it. My son was very intuitive when he was young, but as he got older he was determined to be "rational" and have everything be "science-based" so he pushed down that ability. That's okay though. Everybody has to travel their own path. In the end we're all going to the same place--Home. The more different journeys to get there, the better as far as God/Universe/Source/Creator is concerned, I think. We're all the eyes and ears for God. How else can "His" creation be appreciated/enjoyed/experienced by "Him"? That's my theory anyway. I reserve the right to amend it without notice. :)
As a guy with ADHD, I think we are more in tune with our intuition than most & just can't see the Forrest through the trees because we can get so overloaded by all the "gut" instinct/potential thoughts/ideas that come to us.
Maybe it is just me.