I agree, plus we have been conditioned to believe our news people--like they are not reading from a teleprompter or from scripted material. We were led astray for a long time, now a lot of people are coming around. It took Donald Trump, Q, Anons, and just common sense to see what has been going on.
I don't blame people for not investigating, sometimes, because the news was the news--I guess, at one time, now we know it is propaganda ONLY!!
I like to post red-pilling memes on Fb and one old man, without fail lately, has replied with "(muh) top secret documents that put us all in danger..." I reply to him and he never says anything back. He claims to have been a Republican once upon a time. I highly doubt that!
Conversely, if you believe everything about our alleged past without question, raise your other hand and do the same
"Okay okay sure we live in a time of great deception, but until the modern age, the religious texts were perfect. Nevermind the fact that man has used religion as a tool to consolidate power, the books have "Holy" stamped on them so they're infallible so therefore god has to be infallible. Nevermind the fact that man has been corrupt and capable of evil since day one..."
Many thousands of original texts of various books of the Bible found in hundreds of places could not possibly all been tampered with undetectably and then replaced. The Bible is factual as far as the facts have been tested. More is proven to be factual every year.
On the other hand, the Book of Mormon was totally plagiarized from an old history book that was written in biblical 1600s English to fool the gullible.
not everyone is intelligent enough to see through their lies and deceit. Believing what you hear and see is so much easier than to think for yourself.
I agree, plus we have been conditioned to believe our news people--like they are not reading from a teleprompter or from scripted material. We were led astray for a long time, now a lot of people are coming around. It took Donald Trump, Q, Anons, and just common sense to see what has been going on.
I don't blame people for not investigating, sometimes, because the news was the news--I guess, at one time, now we know it is propaganda ONLY!!
That would make a great t-shirt!
I like to post red-pilling memes on Fb and one old man, without fail lately, has replied with "(muh) top secret documents that put us all in danger..." I reply to him and he never says anything back. He claims to have been a Republican once upon a time. I highly doubt that!
He will not get his face out of MSM butt.
With is the opposite of smug and condescending? Humbled and silently listening with open cooperative ears
Reply to old man: "You are in danger NOW, Skippy!. Pull your head out of your Biden and wake the hell up."
Something like this?
Conversely, if you believe everything about our alleged past without question, raise your other hand and do the same
"Okay okay sure we live in a time of great deception, but until the modern age, the religious texts were perfect. Nevermind the fact that man has used religion as a tool to consolidate power, the books have "Holy" stamped on them so they're infallible so therefore god has to be infallible. Nevermind the fact that man has been corrupt and capable of evil since day one..."
Many thousands of original texts of various books of the Bible found in hundreds of places could not possibly all been tampered with undetectably and then replaced. The Bible is factual as far as the facts have been tested. More is proven to be factual every year.
On the other hand, the Book of Mormon was totally plagiarized from an old history book that was written in biblical 1600s English to fool the gullible.