Welp it happened again (Fartbook).. LOL I've had my account completely wiped 4 times now. I never retreat from the battlefield. I'm banned from making new accounts.

Fakebook is where the normies live. If you want to reach them, you go where they live.
It really pisses off the commietards that their platforms are being used to wake up the sheeple. They only wanted them to generate propaganda and track people.
Why are you still on there?
To red pill my family, but I'm almost given up at this point.
Last summer my 30 day ban turned into a permanent ban at the end of the 30 days. Someone was looking at my posts from 6 months earlier and complaining. I don't think it was any of my contacts, as scrolling back 6 months on a phone is not convenient.
At least they told you. They just locked me out with no explanation and nothing I can do about it. Which is fine...... if I needed to be there I would be. Using my voice elsewhere. But it'd be nice to know if it's permanent or not.
Well that's some bs
yep, there was a discussion later about it with the mods, but I knew the account was toast by then
Only 7 days banned? I was banned for 30 days over and over for the last two years. But lately I have only had a restricted account for some old posts they dug up from two or three years ago.
I must have really pissed someone off on Fartbook. I never got sentenced to FB jail. I just got, unceremoniously deplatformed. To get my page back, I was required to provide legal documentation, to prove my identity. I'm sure they wanted to tie my comments to my SS number, for future prosecution. I told them to stuff that page, up their ass.
I'm permanently banned. Need a new phone number, I guess. Was on 10 minutes, one time, last year and bam! Responded in truth to an idiot.
Tried to get on last week. Need an acct to track my kid's band. No other reason.