Meet the 15 CDC Members Who Voted to Add Deadly COVID Shots to Kids' Vaccine Schedule - America Out Loud
These 15 ACIP committee members must think that what the Nazis were doing is a.o.k. because they are totally fine with putting something on the schedule that is NOT FDA approved…BECAUSE the FDA can’t approve a product until the clinical trials are COMPLETE...
From left to right: Cunt, Cunt, Cunt, Cunt, Cuck, Cunt, Cunt, Cuck, Cunt, Cunt, Cuck, Cunt, Cuck, Cuck, Cuck.
The Asian guy looks like a total faggot.
Yup agree.
Fucking demons
Yes. they are demons among us.
Look at those losers. There’s a special place in hell…
Names and addresses please so we can throw dog poops on their houses
More like shit down their throats.
I second that.
I wonder if any have children or grandchildren of their own. Wonder if they plan on shielding them from harms way?
Of course. Have you seen the guy who invented Covid 19 vaccine for Pfizer? he said he did not take it.
i'm sure none of these hypocritical lizards took the vax or booster, they all were on ivermectin or hcq from the get go
I think they only get saline if they took anything.
Nazi's loved expiramental treatment,as long as it was on someone else. Couple of them do look like lizzards.....
Mean bastards all. Especially on children.
We need to push the fact,that it's experimental not approved so parents have good reason to object.
A lot of them may have heard the false approval of the comeritity vax.
Talk to as many as you can.
Great post. This is how you treat the commies. We can cancel people also and make them feel the weight of their actions. Everyone should save that article and do a little searching for the numbers not listed. Call them and let them know how you feel.
Dr. Melinda Wharton, ACIP Executive Secretary
Dr. Lynn Bahta Minnesota Department of Health Immunization, Tuberculosis, International Health Section 624 Robert St N St. Paul, MN USA 55164
Dr. Beth Bell
Dr. Oliver Brooks Attn: Dr. Oliver Brooks
Dr. Wilbur Chen (410) 706-5328
Dr. Cybil Cineas
Dr. Matthew Daley
Dr. Camille Kotton 617-724-0082 617-726-3906
Dr. Jamie Loehr (607)-697-0360
Dr. Grace Lee Executive Assistant Lisa Perry (650) 724-3664
Dr. Sarah Long 612-625-0055
Veronica McNally
Dr. Katherine Poehling
Dr. Pablo Sanchez (614) 722-4559
Dr. Nirav Shah – (207) 287-8016
Dr. Helen Talbot – (615) 322-2035
Oh thank you. You already got it for me. I appreciate that. I was going through cdc website to find these monster.
Thanks a lot.
Yeah, I appreciate that. I was saying "we" as individuals should dig deeper into the people with no phone numbers listed. Sending an email is going to do nothing in my opinion. Filling the voice mail or better yet speaking to reception will have a much bigger impact.
Yes. I would.
Definitely Nuremberg for them.
IF they have children, are their children going to take it? We probably would never know!!!
I don't care if they graduated Cum Laude from Harvard. If they say "take it." I would say no.
Remember - they and their families are all EXEMPT. Rules for thee but not for me.
Even if they take it, they give each other saline.
Dorothy Zbornak, that 70's show, lupus, xe/xir, rogaine
school spirit, terrier, lando, cupcake, karen
lurch, the undead, jeff toobin's brother, indian bill gates, down syndrone beto
I hope everyone wake up.
Call them relentlessly and make them fear for their lives. They are doing everything they can to harm children.
More than that, throw dog shit on their houses. How many can they sue.
I want proof that all 15 are “vaccinated”. If they aren’t, let’s do it now. Then arrest and prosecute.
I think they won't get away with this.
I wonder if they will all die suddenly
Sure hope so. then we don't even need to waste rope.
They should be called to account for their reason and logic, then a hard penalty -
I am working on it now. If their patients drop them as doctors it would work very well also. LOL
9 are women!
Women could be evil too.
None of these creatures looks sane
Look evil to me.
Now would be the appropriate time to say “HOW DARE YOU!!”
Yup. I want to know who they are and where they live so people can throw dog shit on them.
Find their info. if you can