WE HAVE NUMBERS, FOLKS! Sorry for the delay in getting them to you (we had to remove over 450,0000 views alone from Mike Rothschild's IP address at the London Special Needs Boarding School) but here are our certified site traffic numbers! GAW served over 1.7M page views/month!
1.7M you say?

All we have is numbers for every time someone visits. I assume that like normal web analytics it doesn't count someone reloading or hammering a page. So, basically, in a normal month, GAW pages are viewed 1,700,000 times.
Might have been me, according to the better half. Lol
Sticky Key(s) Syndrome...😂😂😂😂😎😎😎😎
Well, I'm sure I added to that number a tiny bit, kek. I'm on here all the time.
My F5 key ...Guilty as charged.
Cant find the F5 on my granny smith phone, does the browser reload circle or swipe down make me guilty too?
Did we really have 450k scared/DS/paid shill views? My filtering curiosity is peaked :D
I assume from IP filters of various spam farms.
Are those you neek views?