I learned in the first week of having a newborn that not only can they projectile vomit, but also projectile poop. Baby crying wanting wet diaper changed, and in the middle of a diaper change, they gotta poop! Oh, and toddlers. Changing a toddler's diaper can be like wrangling an octopus. Or diapers that have "poopslosions" where the diaper cannot contain the mess and it all comes out the top back and leg holes. 🤢
Cracked nipples...it's like chapped lips. Nipples get chapped from being dry or just breastfeeding in general. Or stupid breast pumps. Homemade lotion works wonders for cracked nipples. Some swear by lanolin.
Then if you have the great misfortune to have thrush going on, the pain is off the charts! Painted the nipples bright purple with gentian violet and my son's mouth too. We both looked like clowns!! Got past that and smooth sailing for the rest of that time. Definitely worth all the effort and ouch. My lady boss asked me when I went back to work after the first year with my son, why he was never sick. Because nursing!!
You brought back some old memories... except for the breastfeeding part. I adopted so was unable to breastfeed.
I had a cloth diaper service and needed to keep those diapers wrapped up in rubber pants to help prevent the side explosions. But sometimes the whole thing (rubber pants included) was a poopy mess. I potty trained my kid as soon as I could.
My dear MIL almost always had two babies in diapers. Total of 12 children. She said that she usually had 13 dozen diapers. They lived in an area with cold winters. She would hang diapers out on the barbed wire fences waiting for the temperature to rise so they would dry. My grandmother said her children never had yellow diapers even though she wsshed them in a creek. Some women would just dry the wet urine diapers and use them again. So glad for the disposable diapers I used on my babies.
Imagine having 10 kids, doing all that with no electricity, running water, and washing in the local river. That's what our great-grandmothers had to do. Big respect to them...all without disposable diapers.
And then there's my son, the artist. I peeked in one morning and he was wide awake and painting a beautiful picture on the wall with what was in his diaper. That kept him in onesie pj's until he was potty trained.
I learned in the first week of having a newborn that not only can they projectile vomit, but also projectile poop. Baby crying wanting wet diaper changed, and in the middle of a diaper change, they gotta poop! Oh, and toddlers. Changing a toddler's diaper can be like wrangling an octopus. Or diapers that have "poopslosions" where the diaper cannot contain the mess and it all comes out the top back and leg holes. 🤢
Cracked nipples...it's like chapped lips. Nipples get chapped from being dry or just breastfeeding in general. Or stupid breast pumps. Homemade lotion works wonders for cracked nipples. Some swear by lanolin.
My husband definitely gets his fair share. 🤣
Then if you have the great misfortune to have thrush going on, the pain is off the charts! Painted the nipples bright purple with gentian violet and my son's mouth too. We both looked like clowns!! Got past that and smooth sailing for the rest of that time. Definitely worth all the effort and ouch. My lady boss asked me when I went back to work after the first year with my son, why he was never sick. Because nursing!!
Breast milk is the best. Nutrition and antibodies and passes on your immunity to them.
You brought back some old memories... except for the breastfeeding part. I adopted so was unable to breastfeed.
I had a cloth diaper service and needed to keep those diapers wrapped up in rubber pants to help prevent the side explosions. But sometimes the whole thing (rubber pants included) was a poopy mess. I potty trained my kid as soon as I could.
That's when he'd just go straight to the bathtub. Cloth diapers have come a long way. You can get all in ones now.
We are working on potty training, but have another on the way, so getting ready to start over. 😅
My dear MIL almost always had two babies in diapers. Total of 12 children. She said that she usually had 13 dozen diapers. They lived in an area with cold winters. She would hang diapers out on the barbed wire fences waiting for the temperature to rise so they would dry. My grandmother said her children never had yellow diapers even though she wsshed them in a creek. Some women would just dry the wet urine diapers and use them again. So glad for the disposable diapers I used on my babies.
Imagine having 10 kids, doing all that with no electricity, running water, and washing in the local river. That's what our great-grandmothers had to do. Big respect to them...all without disposable diapers.
And then there's my son, the artist. I peeked in one morning and he was wide awake and painting a beautiful picture on the wall with what was in his diaper. That kept him in onesie pj's until he was potty trained.