Professor Jeffrey Morris has inadvertently highlighted data for us that the death curve after COVID vaccination is NOT flat like it would be for a saline shot. This cannot be explained any way other than that the COVID vaccines are killing massive numbers of people. (Bold in original)
Morris should also explain why over 300,000 people joined the “died suddenly group” on Facebook, mostly to tell their unique story of what happened to a loved one. That’s not a symptom of an “overreporting problem.” This is unprecedented.
All of these “sudden deaths” in plain sight are not an “overreporting problem.”
They are a symptom of a massively unsafe vaccine.
But UPenn professors cannot acknowledge this data because they do not consider such evidence to be “scientific.”
Sorry, science is about explaining all the data. You don’t get to ignore the evidence you don’t like, if you are a real scientist.
I am praying for God to bring judgment onto UPenn and Penn Medicine. I had a meeting with two of their medical directors and HR before I got fired. I showed them proof how there is absolutely no evidence that these injections are safe or effective and the "evidence" they are using are manipulated, cherry picked reports. The true data at the time showed strong support against the vax, but this was still earlier on (August of 2021). They refused to look at it. They wouldn't even review it in front of me when I brought it to the table. Even with the rising death rate I see they still deny it.
I know it's bad to carry around this anger. But to look at the beast right in the face and then to be laughed at and mocked as they knowingly kill people, I'm having a hard time with this. I can really use prayer in this area frens. Let God bring judgement and let my soul be a peace. It is out of my hands now.
Anger is a natural and often useful, even life-saving reaction. It is only when we are angry at someone WITHOUT CAUSE that we do wrong; then we are directing our anger (or another unconscious feeling) at the wrong person.
People -- many, many people -- are facilitating a global mass-murder. How could anyone, WHY SHOULD anyone, not be angry about that?
We do have control over how we handle our anger. You've been very constructive and bold in your response to the jab dangers, ShakeAndBake1776. I hope you can use your anger constructively to give you stamina in your efforts to protect the innocent and to wake up and/or bring to account those inflicting the jabs on others. And I hope you have support and blessings in the real world as well.
I think that's what it is for me now, I feel like I no longer have a constructive way to release my anger. I initiated two lawsuits myself and am part of a group that collectively came together to file against them as a corporation. I won the first one when they tried to denied unemployment. The EEOC decided to remain neutral on my religious discrimination suit for them denying my religious exemption (Philly courts are so corrupt, I'm surprised I even won the wage suit). But them remaining neutral was a loss to me; I am now paying back thousands of dollars to them because they were paying for my Master's. I signed a contract I would work for them a year after I graduated. Getting fired meant I broke that contract and "willingly" left and have to pay them back. The group one is still up in the air. I spoke up to all I could about it, but was ignored. I'm not on the clinical side; I was in care coordination/administration. So my voice means nothing in the medical realm. I'm the low man on the totem pole, but it was kind of fun to debate those doctors and win. All they could rebuke my claims is tell me "we have the data we need to prove it is safe and effective". I feel like I am just waiting at this point to see if my friends and family may be part of the "suddenly" group. I've been praying continuously for them. I think I need to find a way to feel like I am helping again. Thanks for sharing that verse, I don't feel as guilty about the anger. I know I need to work through it with God and He'll show me the way. Thank you.
if only you could give us names of those that ignored your concerns and then, retaliated against you...
Oh…in God’s time. All will be exposed. And if God calls me to be a witness to that, I will happily be obedient.
Just the fact that the jab does not stop transmission has been known for two years makes my blood boil. Adding this on top super heats it.
I'm right there with you! I am completely outraged at every aspect of the "pandemic" scam - starting with the massive scare tactics, to the lockdowns, mask mandates, the belittling and refusal to acknowledge existing safe treatments and on through all the vaccine madness - mandates, passports, restrictions.
I want EVERYONE involved in any aspect of all this to fucking swing at the end of a rope on live TV for the entire world to watch.
I want them all pissing and shitting themselves in anticipation of what they have coming to them.
This includes the globalists who set all this in motion, every government politician or bureaucrat who pushed this, every health and medical expert who imposed these idiotic policies or knowingly went along with them out of ignorance or in defense of their paycheck, every media talking head who used their platform to scare and manipulate the ignorant sheep, every law enforcement officer who upheld illegal mandates by injuring and arresting critical thinkers who were harming no one, all for the sake of their pensions, and every corporate head/manager/HR personnel who coldly put people out of work and into the streets just for trying to be cautious and making their own personal health decisions.
I really, really hate it for the innocent children who have to pay for the ignorance and stupidity of their parents/guardians who were supposed to be looking out for them.
At the same time, I feel no pity for the adult sheep who just went along so they could continue to be part of an immoral and corrupt society. I feel no pity for the adults who mocked us for speaking our minds and making our own decisions. I feel no pity for those who wanted the unvaxxed segregated from normal society, who thought of us as outcasts who didn't deserve to eat in a restaurant, travel, or hold a job.
I take no pleasure in knowing that I was right.
Very noble and brave of you OP. Thank you for trying to save lives.
The massive increase in mortality is not caused by an ineffective vaxx. It is doing exactly what it was designed to do. The cummulative shots are killing immune systems and people. That is what it is designed to do. It is a genocidal bioweapon not a vaccine. The numbers of deaths are going to skyrocket into the BILLIONS. Those that refused the jab will be the only survivors. In less than a decade the global population will be under a billion. Much of the reason for the resounding success is fear propaganda from leaders and the media, both of which were paid enormous sums of money to commit mass murder. YES THEY ALL KNEW!
If a person tells us to trust science.
Product reviews are needed to tell us if the science worked as expected.
So when someone tells you that product reviews are anecdotal evidence.
Your response should be simple.
"The people's voice is the ultimate indicator if something worked or not".
This is why product reviews on a shopping site are important. People do not want to hear from the manufacturer of the product.
People want to hear from normal people who tried the product.
If the scientist tells us their study found XYZ to work at a certain rate.
The people's voice is needed to tell us if that science was bullshit.
I don't understand why people are going back to the source of the product to determine product reviews.
An aside: The "Died Suddenly" trailer that Steve Kirsch highlights in this substack has obliterated my faint concern that Stew Peters might be controlled opposition.
That trailer, all by itself, is the biggest red pill on the jabs and on the mass-murdering elite that I have yet seen. Awesome, terrifying, incredibly effective.
The video of those teens stumbling into and falling under the train was horrific. I can’t unsee that.
Agreed. We're all going to see a lot worse before this is over...
Yes. I’m not squeamish, but that was horrifying. He should have a warning. Normies are not going to process that well.
I would warn everyone against any injections period. I believe the flu shot will become as deadly as the covid19 jab. We've heard they are putting the same poison into flu shots. When Steve shows the stark differences in death rates between the jab and flu shots, it will incentivize the evil ones to make sure the flu shots catch up to covid19 jabs.😥 Had a patient under 30, had a flu shot and within days, chest pain, etc, troponin levels were very elevated, other tests negative. Most likely, patient has heart damage.🤬
Thank you, AngelCole. I came across an article a week or three ago claiming that the flu shots contained the same poison as the COVID jabs. Don't have the link and of course can't confirm the assertion but given what they're already doing to us, why WOULDN'T they use the flu jabs as part of their depop plan?
And I agree: ANY discretionary injection right now is probably a deathy-bad idea.
Very sorry to hear about your patient.
You misspelled vaccines.
Hey OP, the someone mentioning going apeshit on Kirsch's substack is Steve Kirsch.
Yep, you're right. While writing the post I remembered someone saying that about going apeshit but forgot it was Kirsch himself.
I made your title funny for those of us in the know :-)
Easy to do though. We each only have so much bandwidth, and the information coming at us that needs to be sifted is overwhelming.