This Pelosi thing is getting stranger by the minute
Comments (13)
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We cannot imagine the world these reprobates move in. We have had a minute glimpse and even that has been evil beyond belief. We can only prepare ourselves and our loved ones for what is coming and what will be revealed.
QDrop #4915
Oct 21, 2020 2:56:57 PM EDT
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: a48b57 No. 11193040
A deep dark world is being exposed.
THE TRUTH won't be for everyone.
Have faith in Humanity.
Unfortunately, you are correct.
Ever notice when dems are caught being debaucherous it is always woth the dregs of society. Andrew Gillem. Ed buck, hunter biden, et al. I swear its like the further they are from their victims from a socio-economical standpoint the more they get off on the power disparity.
These fucks couls fuck with all sorts of high clsss degenerates but its always the lowest of the low.
To bad those that believe they are better than the ones they abuse, don’t get a good case of a highly drug resistant STD.
If you hang arounds clowns, dont get surprised if your life becomes a circus.
Only if you let it.
amen. I think we probably have better things to do than worry about Piglosi. I realize Brandon is blaming us but did you expect otherwise? They will never accept or love us so why try. Up their's.
Did any one else see a mention in the dui feed about a minor being in the car? Possibly a male minor? It was also supposedly being swept under the rug..
I recall seeing it but i don't have receipts..
Just the facts plz no drama. We are nor opertunists. Weg1wga
Was Pelosi's son the one who opened the door? Was he home? If so, maybe it was he and the attacker who were without clothing and Pops objected or something?