I'd start with the reporters. Then this bullshit of forgiveness would stop and proper talks of restitution would begin. I want compensation. I don't care if it comes from a surtax.
I'm sure his Mossad bosses insisted he push the Vax. If you don't have a science degree, you're even dirtier. What asshole is going to push something, they know nothing about? He should lose all his followers.
Yep. FUCK Ben Shapiro. I don't care when he saw the light AFTER the mandates....the light needed to be seen BEFORE all of this bullshit began. Again...FUCK Ben Shaprio.
No tax. Start with redistribution of the wealth accumulated by the worst offenders. Gates split his fortune to protect from this eventuality. Bill, Melinda and the foundations should be dissolved for crimes against humanity. Bill admitted he wants to reduce population via vaccination. Go right down the line. Everyone who pushed it gets a great reset to zero
I wonder if they will be able to understand that we have no choice whatsoever in giving them hard and painful lessons, not just from who is here now, but for the generations to come. I don't have the option to let them get away with this.
Ah yes...there WILL be reminders. I wanted to be left alone and they decided that they didn't want to. And now they will
be having a hell of a time trying to find a way to get me "un-involved."
Thet received their warning yet continued anyway.
Yep. Gretchen Witch-mer is ESPECIALLY one of those feckless CUNTS I want to see PAY for the rest of her miserable fucking life. What a useless carbon unit she is. Her day of restitution is coming, though.
AND you have hit the nail on the head...The Reporters/Newsies are the ones who caused the information to be covered up...ALL THE NEW ORGANIZATIONS SHOULD BE HELD CULPABLE AND FINED SO HEAVILY that they understand, their jobs are to "REPORT" the news. NOT to RE-INTERPRET!!!!!!
I'd start with the reporters. Then this bullshit of forgiveness would stop and proper talks of restitution would begin. I want compensation. I don't care if it comes from a surtax.
I'm sure his Mossad bosses insisted he push the Vax. If you don't have a science degree, you're even dirtier. What asshole is going to push something, they know nothing about? He should lose all his followers.
Its funny how, if i tell someone NOT to get a covid vaccine, im practicing medicine without a license,
But if i tell someone TO get a covid vaccine, thats perfectly fine.
Good point. Sad reality.
Mind if I steal that?
Shapiros handlers are Vatican. Same thing as mossad, really.
No likely.
Hes not hard to find just look for the nearest BDSM dungeon.
Yep. FUCK Ben Shapiro. I don't care when he saw the light AFTER the mandates....the light needed to be seen BEFORE all of this bullshit began. Again...FUCK Ben Shaprio.
No tax. Start with redistribution of the wealth accumulated by the worst offenders. Gates split his fortune to protect from this eventuality. Bill, Melinda and the foundations should be dissolved for crimes against humanity. Bill admitted he wants to reduce population via vaccination. Go right down the line. Everyone who pushed it gets a great reset to zero
All those small businesses -- gone.
Only big box stores open.
Gretchen Witch wouldn't let people buy seeds.
Military tribunals -- that's what I want to see for crimes against humanity.
All the businesses, all the careers, all the dreams that went along with them. Their homes, their final security, the children forever damaged...
All the broken families & friendships, so much.
If any of these mother fuckers approach me with this line of bullshit I will not be responsible for what happens to them.
I wanted, pleaded even, to be left alone... they kept coming at me...fuck them ANY and EVERY chance I get to screw them over - I'm taking it TIMES 10,
Don't come for me unless I call you, and don't hold your breath waiting ...
I wonder if they will be able to understand that we have no choice whatsoever in giving them hard and painful lessons, not just from who is here now, but for the generations to come. I don't have the option to let them get away with this.
Ah yes...there WILL be reminders. I wanted to be left alone and they decided that they didn't want to. And now they will be having a hell of a time trying to find a way to get me "un-involved." Thet received their warning yet continued anyway.
Yep. Gretchen Witch-mer is ESPECIALLY one of those feckless CUNTS I want to see PAY for the rest of her miserable fucking life. What a useless carbon unit she is. Her day of restitution is coming, though.
Don't forget that you couldn't DARE to step into a church. I am sure that covid was their main reasoning for that.
Hey the Whore of Babylon only kept the kids out of school for 3 months. In her little mind.
Seizure of assets and restitution.
I want financial compensation or the honor of feeding Jay Inslee to some orcas.
That sounds a reasonable request.
Could we wrap the meal in fish? Less of a distasteful experience for the Orca.
AND you have hit the nail on the head...The Reporters/Newsies are the ones who caused the information to be covered up...ALL THE NEW ORGANIZATIONS SHOULD BE HELD CULPABLE AND FINED SO HEAVILY that they understand, their jobs are to "REPORT" the news. NOT to RE-INTERPRET!!!!!!
The msm loved it. They got clicks and kickbacks through jab commercials.
Taxes NEVER benefit the people. They're at the bottom of the heap and pay EVERYTHING.
Whatever it takes to raise the money. I want results not excuses.