670 Their time is coming. They're in full panic mode as they seek forgiveness for their crimes against humanity. (media.greatawakening.win) N C S W I C posted 2 years ago by xchainlinkx 2 years ago by xchainlinkx +670 / -0 171 comments download share 171 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
Thank you Catturd. Absolutely HELL NO is right. Power grabs aren't accidental. They're calculated and orchestrated.
They weren't in the dark. They are the dark. And here comes the sun.
Especially this one. We know about Event 201, which was the organized plan to push this tyranny.
And we know that the test kits for C-19 were available in 2017.
We also know their propaganda posters had print dates on them before the pandemic was declared
Not to mention every fucking company had covid commercials ready to go. Complete with shitty piano music and "we're all in this together" bullshit.
"These people are stupid" - Q
Is a based cat allowed to be executioner?
Kek hell yea